Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This piece demonstrates my anger and frustrtion with my husbands illness this holiday sesAon.He has copd and has been very ill. My frustration comes with my inability to help him. My anger is with the stupid disease. The lungs(green background) handdyed fabric is quilted to show the stretched and swollen avioli. The sword is the pain coughing causes him. Not a very pleasant subject but one that needed to be expressed. Thank you for making me face it. Size 12"x.14"
All comments and critiques most welcome

Pat Havey


  1. Hi Pat - Your quilting is just right for telling the story of the diseased lungs. And that bright red glistening sword of pain tells its story well too. You've done a great job of showing your feelings of anger. I hope this excercise brought you a bit of relief and at least a few moments of distance from the illness.

  2. Sometimes we need to express a fee eling, even if the result is more of a "jolt", to the viewer. I think you've expressed yourself very well. Red and green are excellent colours to convey both anger and distress. Do you have plans for the quilt, or was it enough just to finish it?
    pat f in Winnipeg

  3. I'm sure this was a difficult piece for you to complete. Great choice of fabrics and just the right amount of quilting.

  4. I do think you did a wonderful job. Your sword almost looks beaded - the green and red work really well together since they are complimentary colors.

  5. Power packed!! Attention getter!!
    What a great job of expressing emotion and I hope it was able to allow you some relief. I appreciated you shared your anger and frustration in this way... and effectively in my eyes.
    I do hope your dear one is getting some relief by now [and you, too].
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. Pat. . . When I saw your title "frustration," but before I read your explanation, I said "Nope, that's not frustration, that's anger!" Having the sword breach the confines of the border is very effective. This is a very powerful piece and I hope it brings healing to both you and your husband.

  7. Pat, this is powerful. Love the idea of the sword, like the Sword of Damocles, hovering above our heads.
    Well done.


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