Wednesday, December 31, 2008

ren's #28

12 inches wide x 16 inches high

This isn't finished yet; it needs a backing and a binding. I'm thinking of pillowcasing it so that the edges are just as they are here.
The emotion I was trying to get at is serenity. I wanted something calming for the start of the new year. And although the zinger is not really bright, I think it zings enough. Comments welcome, of course.


  1. Hi Ren - you did a great job picturing serenity. The fabric colors are all muted and soft and the linear quilting doesn't jar in any way.

    I'm not quite sure what the beads represent. They are not growing up from the bottom like a plant but are almost hanging from the horizon line. Would you tell us more about the beading? Thanks!

  2. Roberta! Thanks for the kind comments. The beads are all in the shapes of leaves. I'm using them as indicators of the landscape. I have more leaf beads; would more of them running to the bottom of the piece complete the picture for you? I'm open to suggestions.

  3. I think the intent is abstract enough that the beads don't need to grow from the bottom. Definately a serene piece. I would hate to see you try to make it more representational. Yes, an envelope finish or a facing would work, you want to keep the impression of infinity here.
    Pat f in Winnipeg

  4. I like the simplicity of this piece. Funny how we all see things differently. I see the beaded line as the blossoming in a tilled field.

  5. This is absolute serenity. I think the horizontal sun strip is a nice subtle zinger.

  6. I join in Ren, in saying it is great just as it is. I like the 'what is it?' aspect of this piece that takes you in closer. I also like being able to form my own idea of what you might be saying. Beautiful in its simplicity!

  7. Ren, i love the colours you have used; so suitable for conveying serenity.
    i am not sure about the beads; but that's just me.


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