Sunday, December 28, 2008

“Spirit of Passion” - Journal size

Returning to my "spirit" series, I tried a new technique on this fast Friday, putting (3) layers of fabric down, stitching the shapes and then cutting away layers to reveal layers below. I enjoyed the process as well as the results. I then dressed up my quilt with some decorative stitches and added some quilting. My zinger is the yellow/gold fabric, however it probably would have been more effective if the other colors were more subdued. However, how subdued can passion be? Thank you Tobi for a fun Challenge. Comments are always welcome. Joni


  1. Hey Joni... Just going with the 'Spirit' produced a very interesting piece. I like your technique and thread work. Since critiquing includes the 'what if' factor, I am thinking what if you added maybe a turquoise something or other [you would have to decide that], but I see the turquoise just adding 'life' to a lovely piece.Could even be a bit of threadwork.
    I think you did an awesome job!

  2. Thanks Carole,
    Responding to your suggestion, I am playing with adding some turquoise and at first pass, it looks like just the right color. Now all I have to figure out is what and where. Hmmmm Joni

  3. Hi Joni - Your piece is very sensual - I think it is the lovely curves all mingling together. The addition of the decorative stitches with the prickly edges makes a great contrast with the soft curving lines. I think this piece is exciting as it is but if I were to add a "what if" it would be what if you had a fair amount of black in the "background"? The colors you have used would absolutely dance against black. But they are dancing pretty happily now!

  4. I think I have to agree with the other comments. You almost have the same amount of the various colours in your analagous colour scheme, and very close values. What if you changed the scheme to a split compliment and added a small amount from the green/blue green range. I would further suggest that you consider a fairly dark value in whatever you choose to add. I love the basic design of the swirls with the vertical layout. Very effective.
    Pat F. in Winnipeg

  5. Gosh, when I saw the name of this piece I thought...of COURSE!!..This reminds me of passion fruit complete with all the little black seeds. I think it is wonderful just the way it is.

  6. Joni, very delightful, and what a great technique you used. The yellow zingers please the eye, I think you have done a great job.
    Such a fun piece.

  7. This is very beautiful and very pleasing all the colors work really well together. So as far as a zinger - the yellow just works really nice with the other colors - so some of the stitching -I'd say lime green. I do like the piece.

  8. Hi Joni, lively and vibrant the stitch work and colors. I don't see much quilting...have you considered some quilting to push back some of the background to add some depth?
    Great job

  9. Joni, I really like this piece. It makes me happy. I wouldn't change a thing.

  10. Hi Joni...I love the soft undulating curves played against the spikey stitching...Passion indeed!
    I agree with Cynthia, that some tight quilting in some of the background could make the shapes really pop. It's lovely as it is though


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