Monday, December 29, 2008


"Different" is the title of this piece and it starts a different series dealing with abstractions.
I tried to depict the emotion of "not quite fitting in" whatever the correct word is!
?Disconnectedness?Alienation. That feeling where you are trying to blend in with the crowd and don't really achieve stand out like a "sore thumb"!
Handdyed muslin and silks. I chose lime green as my zinger.
Any comments/suggestions are welcome.
Anna K.


  1. Anna,
    This piece really stikes a cord with me, as I have often had that feeling of not fitting in too. I like the way all the other pieces are not the same as each other, but appear unified, and the one piece with the zinger conveys your message very well. I also like the stitching lines that give depth and perspective to the quilt. Nice interpretation of the challenge. Joni

  2. Hi Anna - I love the way you have expressed "different" with the lime green. If you think about what you've done you will find you have taken an ordinary everyday blue piece and added flavor to it. The different piece has all the traits of ordinary but has more dimensions. It is two colors instead of one; it is larger; it is richer.

    I suppose I am saying that the person who feels alienated is sometimes different because she is MORE - more awake, more engaged with the richness of life. When you have wings, it is sometimes difficult to walk along with the crowd.

    Obviously your piece is very successful - it evoked so many thoughts and feelings in me. Bravo!

  3. yes, yes and yes to Robertas comments. I think we all have been in this not fitting in catagory befor and you have expressed it beeautifully.

  4. I agree with all that Roberta has said. I think the design is perfect, and coveys everything you have said about alienation. A very effective piece.
    Pat F in Winnipeg

  5. Very effective for sure! I think we all feel this way every eye is on us because we are different. Nice job!

  6. The piece portrays your felling right on the dot. I also like the dots of red that seem to be leading the eye into the picture. Great work.

  7. This zinger works really well reminds me of ice cycles.

  8. Hi Anna, fabulous piece (again!) A complex feeling expressed very simply and powerfully...great job. Love the vibrant colors, the depth created by staggering the bars and the diagonal dotted lines, the glow of the hand dyed background. What size is it? Is there any quilting in the background? I don't know that it needs any, but did you consider it? It might enhance the "floor" and further define the depth of the piece to have some minimal quilting in that area. Maybe something like a few organic cracks in the marble floor?
    Wonderful piece!

  9. You have spoken well for so many of us Anna! I love your use of fabric and didn't Roberta sum it up nicely!
    This is another one I have been coming back to time and again. I am so impressed with your simplicity..
    something I am working to achieve.
    Thank you for this...

  10. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
    Cynthia this is only a little piece (for me) 12 x 14.
    i have had the idea for this piece in my head for a long time; this challenge was the perfect time to try it out. I may make this into a larger piece, and your suggestion of some quilting in the lower section would definitely be taken up.

  11. Hi Anna, I want to encourage you to do the larger's a great concept that the viewer grasps immediately and can relate to.

  12. Hi Anna...Not much can be added to the above comments except WOW! I love it


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