Saturday, December 13, 2008

Succulent II

I based this month's quilt on a very close cropped photo of a succulent plant. The base cloth is a piece of fabric that I have been using as a drop cloth for other projects, and I have been stenciling patterns on it to use up leftover paint for a year or more. The patterns and colors in the original cloth have nearly disappeared beneath more paint and stitching, but bits of the original fabric still peek through. Working with this fabric helped free me from the need to interpret the colors from the original photo literally, and let me focus on value.


  1. Hi Linda,

    This has exceptional texture through what appears to be the quilting!

  2. Your quilting is beautiful and adds wonderful texture to your piece.

  3. Hi Linda, This is gorgeous! It looks so sculptural. The quilting textures and the dark shading really makes this outstanding.

  4. Hi Linda - Amazing piece - it looks three dimensional. Your use of the multi-colored fabric was very successful and the painted areas and quilting add great texture. Super.

  5. fabulous linda. wonderful color, value and quilting.


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