Friday, January 02, 2009

Celebration ' Tapas y Vino"

"Celebration" is postcard size - 4"x6". The emotions are happy, joyous, celebratory - all those New Year's Eve emotions. Portraying a liquid-filled object has always presented a challenge for me, and today was no different. I couldn't get the level of the wine to appear the way I wanted, so I changed the eye level of the viewer instead. The zinger should be fairly obvious - the pimientos in the olives.


  1. Hi Ann, I like your view of the glass and think it would be too stagnant in an upright position. The only thing I might change would be to add a third olive in the glass...but then I guess it would be a martini rather than vino!

    what is the issue you are having showing liquid? You might try curving the edges of your glass and the liquid, then show just a hint of the back side of the glass and the liquid to show the roundness .

  2. Ann, this is a nice piece of work, the liquid looks fine to me and I love the red zingers in the olives. The border treatment really sets it off.

  3. Uummmmm tipsy?? haha, the tilt of the glass and are those olives gin soaked? just kidding, what a happy piece! I also think the size is just right for the subject. Actually, you have some zingers in your edge treatment as well.
    Nicely done, Ann...what fun!

  4. Ann... I agree, the zinger is obviously the pimento in the olives. A fun piece of work.

  5. Ann. . . Those olives look downright playful! I like the secondary zinger in your edging. Good work.

  6. Well done Ann. i like the sparkle in the drink and your border is very effective.

  7. Thanks for all your comments. The trouble I have with liquids and glass is getting them to look realistic. The curve in the tilted fluid as well as the rim of the glass is sometimes a problem.

    The border was really an after thought and I was pleasantly surprised with the unexpected color placement in the yarn - the colors were where I would have put them if it were planned. Funny how that works out sometimes!

  8. Hi Ann - I think you did a great job depicting the glass and the liquid. And the olives add the zip you wanted. A "what if" I have would be to think about adding a bit more of the yellow-green into the binding in the upper part of the piece. Most of the zip is at the bottom and you have pulled some of the pink up and around the piece but none of the yellow-green. That is the color that catches my eye and keeps pulling it down rather than around the piece. Just a thought.

    Very nice work.

  9. Ann, I really like the way the glass is tipped. It adds motion to the piece. And I LOVE the edging. Would actually like to see this up close and in person.....


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