Friday, January 02, 2009

Rhoda Ch#28 Blissful Betty

Blissful Betty is in heaven, licking the cupcakes delectable icing from her finger. Amongst the chaos and pandemonium she is blissfully happy, enjoying her scrumptious treat.
This was a lot of fun to make, and I have two emotions going on. At first Betty was going to be frustrated by knitting, then I decided I just needed to add some happiness to the chaos I had created. Red is my zinger along with some gold.
Lot's of bling on the flower, ear rings and her ring.
I look forward to your comments.
Thank you Tobi for a great challenge.


  1. This is very pretty - actually the reds and cold are the perfect inclusion in the background - I'd almost say the pink rose in the hat is the zinger - a little subtle but the red and gold are really nice. I think you have nice proportions of all the colors - if you had less of the red and gold they would zing more but I wouldn't change it for the world. Its so pretty.

  2. Thanks for the feedback, and I think you are right the pink rose is the item that stands out the most. My red is a little dark?

  3. Rhoda...another successful piece featuring women. I absolutely love this series of really must have a show of them. You captured the feeling of bliss in the midst of chaos perfectly. Expressive, colorful, full of contrasts in value, color, textures & line...wonderful!
    I think the pink rose and sparkly earrings are the zingers in this case. Subtle colors or even white can be the zinger in a vibrant colored piece like this.

  4. Rhoda,
    This piece is Wonderful! I love the look on Betty's face, it must be chocolate that gives that bliss! We all should have momments like that. I'm really enjoying your series! Joni

  5. Rhoda, you really have a knack in being able to communicate emotion!I have just kept coming back and back again to this piece. It is incredible. It reminds me of one of those delightful vintage postcards...
    There is so much going on in this piece, yet the eye rests on Betty's bliss...perhaps with a bit of envy?
    I can't wait to see the next one in this series.
    Keep up your good work!

  6. Rhoda... I think this is wonderful. I also think that the zinger is the pink flower. I especially like the composition of this piece. Am curious, what is its size?

  7. Rhoda. . . Nice colorful background along with a very expressive Betty. You have effectively conveyed bliss with the well executed facial features, especially those sensuous lips. The sparkles on the flower, ring, and earrings are so fun.

  8. Rhoda, Blissful Betty is gorgeous.
    How did you manage to give her such a perfect expression?
    This is just so good.

  9. Betty does indeed look blissful! I love the colours and her expression. Very well done.

  10. Hi Rhoda - This is a real WOW piece. As soon as I saw it my eyes started darting every which way trying to take in all the interesting shapes and colors.

    Blissful Betty is so well-named. You have captured that momentary "aah" moment beautifully. I think I have to go now and eat some chocolate.

    And the zinger to me is her face - it immediately atttracts the eye and everything else comes after. Great work!

  11. I really like this one. You have very successfully conveyed both the chaos around her and her complete self absorption! Good job!


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