Thursday, January 01, 2009


23" x 14"

Left: revised, red metallic Lumiere paint added over the gold, plus some pewter Lumiere dabbed here and there for more variation, and fringe a bit trimmed.

Right: original

This actually seems to fit in a series with the piece I produced for the other challenge that I hosted, but not at all intentionally! When I started, my three sons plus one fiance and one girlfriend were visiting, and I wanted to capture the idea of family connectedness and love.

I began with a piece of material with a pattern of white-on-white circles, then overlaid it with a piece of black gauze. I cut some thin wavy strips from the gauze and overlaid them, then tucked in the three ribbon florets and began sewing the strips down with various fancy stitches, and added a narrow maroon ribbon. I then cut the shield shape out of foam core and hand-sewed the edges, leaving the gauze to hang down, and put just a bit of gold leaf around to pull the edges in, and a bit of hand-stitching with a few little beads.

At this point, though, neither I nor any of the enlarged household really thought this was all that great. It took youngest son's suggestion of an overlay to lead me to pull out a piece of orange mesh, the sort that may have come from a bag of oranges, and put that on top, cutting out just enough to let the ribbon florets through to the top, which may not be as obvious unless you see it close up.

This actually took quite a different direction than I had anticipated!


  1. Hi Tobi, boy I hate to be the first to post a comment! I really like the emotion you were trying to convey. This is one I can identify with.

    I think I'm missing the connectedness of the piece since I see the orange, white and green all as seperate and not connected as a whole compostion. What would happen if you overlayed pieces of the colors to the strips at the bottom to show that even though they are seperate, in the big picture they come together and connect?

  2. Hi Tobi, This seems like a symbolic piece with the 3 "buds" connected by the family blood ties. I'm sure it will always remind you of your family coming together. Good job
    PS Thanks for hosting the challenge!

  3. Hi Tobi.... I always look first to see what shape you are going to do your piece in!! Sorry, but you are so 'known' for your shapes,to me.
    I would love to be able to see a bigger picture of this.Your work is always unique and this is one is as well.
    great challenge!

  4. Tobi... I think I get the connections you are showing. To me it says, connected, but individual. An interesting piece.

  5. Hi toby, I really like your revision.The red really makes the connecting 'blood line' pop and pulls it all together. Nice Job!

  6. Hi Tobi, the red paint unifies the piece very nicely...good job

  7. Hi Tobi - It is always interesting to see what shape you have chosen for your work. I think your representation of connections is very good. And the changes you made by adding the red and pewter paints add greater unity to the piece. Good work. And thanks for hosting this challenge.


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