Friday, January 30, 2009

FFFC-29 Pipe Dreams

Every evening before going to sleep I spend a little time sketching in my sketchbook. It is relaxing for me. This sketch was chosen for this months challenge, because I thought it showed rhythm and movement. The size of the quilt is larger than I usually do, and so I have worked feverously to get this ready on time. It is still a work in progress, as more quilting needs to be done, borders and bling need to be added. It was nice to work in a larger format, but it is more demanding of one's time. This was a really fun challenge and it is great to see a sketch become a quilt. Any comments are greatly appreciated


  1. Love the colors and movement you achieved. The black background really sets your analogous colors off.

  2. The quilting as well as the satin stitch add great movement and visual interest to your quilt, Your habit of adding to your sketch book each evening is a great idea and I look forward to seeing more of your sketches turned into quilts!

  3. Sketches really work !
    I like your sketch to fabric...
    This is really intricate and well done.
    Your series is 'Shapes' isn't it?
    Guess I should have looked first, but I like this none-the-less.
    Well done.

  4. This is wonderful Joni! All the flowing lines definitely create motion and to me the unusual color play (which I love by the way) suggests tension / energy.
    Nice work!

  5. Joni, I would say that sketch really came alive in a wonderful way. Lot's of mobement and you certainly have some great analogous colors in it. Just a real treat for the eyes.

  6. The undulating shapes are beautiful. The executed quilt does justice to your sketch. Well done.

  7. I admire you for able to work so well from a sketch; Good work

  8. Hi Joni, This is wonderful, full of flowing movement, interesting shapes and gorgeous color. got some tension in there with the complementary yellow-green against the very dark background. Great job!
    Cynthia I would love to see more dense quilting on parts of your pieces! Another level of texture, depth and interest! Also, have you tried trapunto with your shapes?

  9. Joni:
    I am not very discplined in the use of my sketchbook. You remind me of how useful it is. A great job of taking sketch to fabric. I echo all positive comments above. There is a lot of activity/movement in this quilt. Great job!

  10. Hi Joni - This piece is exciting. I'm in awe of your "doodling" and the way you have turned this drawing into a quilt. The sinuous shapes, areas of overlap and the quilting all serve to reinforce the feeling of movement. Terrific.

  11. Hi Joni,

    This is a lovely interpretation of your sketch! By using black in some places, you've created depth. The dark purple also helps in the shading of the areas where it is used that adds to the quality of depth. This is very nice!

  12. I like that you created motion within some of the smaller pieces. This enhances the movement withing the piece. Nice job!



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