Friday, January 30, 2009

Six Suns

Inuksuk has learned to juggle....sort of. I tried to use analogous colors that did not include yellow. I'm more comfortable in the warm colors. But, yellow sneaked in anyway, with the range from yellow through the greens to blue.
I'm afraid Inuksuk is becoming 'way too human, but it's fun to use the shape, anyway.


  1. Katie,
    You sure are having fun with this series. I like the use of the analgous colors, and think the yellow is a welcome addition to the piece. I look forward to seeing what your little guy is up to every month. I hope it wasn't our sun that he dropped.

  2. Katie, you are the 'Queen of Innukshuk' to be sure.
    This is fantastic.. well I am looking at the figure, but the colors.. What a happy combination.
    Well done... I am really enjoying this series of yours.

  3. Katie,
    I looked at this and thought Innukshuk on an alien world with many suns.
    I too feel the yellow is great.

  4. What can I add to the above...You nailed the challenge and produced yet another captivating adventure to the saga of Innukshuk. Such fun!

  5. Hi Katie, That is a fantastic background...and a perfect foil for this playful Inuksuk. It is harmonious yet with a kick...would not have been as effective without that yellow. So glad you let one of the balls land on the ground...great balance.
    I will miss your Inuksuks when you move on to other things. It's a great combination of serious and play among the pieces.

  6. I never heard of Inuksuk before following yours in these challenges. I really like the background you created. The ball that hit the ground is great. Would not be the same without it. I look forward to your next.

  7. Hi Katie - I have truly enjoyed your Inuksuk series. It is interesting how a pile of rocks has taken on a personality - last month he had a love affair, this month he is juggling. This one is particularly engaging because of your use of color. The background fabrics give a sense of distance and give a great backgrop for the juggler. I will miss the little fellow - but maybe he will turn up in another of your works one of these days.

  8. I like your color choices. they really set off your Inuksuk. To me he appears to be a sun worshipper and one has fallen from grace.

  9. This is my favorite of your series. Nice piece!



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