Thursday, January 29, 2009

Second Spring_Rhoda

In the Chinese culture, phases of a woman's life are celebrated. Menopause is referred to as 'second spring', so my choice for this challenge. I chose the analogous colors of blue/blue violet. As I was working on the piece it was mentioned on the list that we could go further than just two colors beside each other, therefore I added some hues from violet,red/violet and red. The chinese lettering on the right is 'second spring'.
I choose the cool colors to suggest a calming period in a woman's life, the years of child bearing are over, chaos turns to calm. Less clutter, note her room is free of clutter, just a pot of lovely flowers :) And she now has time to tend to the flower box out the window. Perhaps we need to give in to this time of our lives and enjoy it more. Or is this just my fantasy! You can tell her age by the sagging breasts :0
The right side wall is a deep purple, however in the picture it almost looks black. I tried adjusting the color and got orange for the finally left it as it is.
I definitely did this piece in Pamela Allen's style, with lot's of hand stitching.
I look forward to your critique.
Thanks for the challenge Ren, it was fun for me.


  1. Oh Rhoda, I LOVE this piece! It depicts so much movement...from the fan, the swirling of the 'air', her hair blowing...
    I totally identify with her :-)
    It's wonderful!

  2. I think there are a lot us who can realter to her. Thanks.

  3. What a fun piece.. would that the second spring be so peaceful. I like the way you achieved a certain amount of serenity in this piece, even though there is implied motion with the fan and the treadmill. Your character reminds me of the flower child of the 60's in her later years. You really touched a chord with me. Great Job

  4. Rhoda.... you have done it again!! You are great with the ladies... well I mean .... smiling here.... I think this is so-o-o-o appropo!
    Been there! Done that! and you have depicted it in a superb way. What if's? Well, I can't see any.
    Good job!

  5. Rhoda! Rhoda! I just love this! Great analagous colour scheme, love the hand stitching, love that gal!

  6. Hi Rhoda, You may be showing your Pamela Allen technique...but you definitely show up here with the attitude and sense of color. The touches of red-violet and red make the composition it has a sense of calm mixed with a dash of adventure.
    Great job!

  7. Rhoda:
    You have nailed the challenge. Great colors, great hints of movement. I wouldn't change a thing. I like your handwork very much.

  8. Hi Rhoda - What a delight this piece is. It tells a story with just a few elements. The colors work together so well and the sense of motion is very apparent. Terrific interpretation of the challenge!

  9. Hi Rhoda, fun piece! I can almost feel the breeze from the fan as she jogs along.



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