Thursday, January 29, 2009

This was a great challenge! I chose to use the analogous color palette of yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green and green, so I didn't really step outside my usual choices. (I really tried, but the sherbet-y orange and the green and orange print just kept jumping into the mix!) In the watercolor classes I take I have been experimenting w/ various forms of abstract so those efforts have bled over into my art quilts. After cutting the large sweeping green arcs, then finding the pale green and orange print, this piece practically finishes itself. I added a wider orange sherbet border and did the handwork only to decide to cut it down by 1 1/2". This came after following a long discussion on Quiltart regarding the use of borders on art quilts - yea or nay? So now that I have cut the border down to size, I am at a loss as to a finishing treatment and I turn to all of you - what now? I was thinking of just doing a satin stitch in orange, but somehow that doesn't seem right. What else should I consider?


  1. This is a very interesting design, the colors work well. My thought is...the major components all seem to point outward drawing your eye out of the picture. What if you add a very narrow green ( 1/4" or less) welt just inside a binding same as border to 'bump you back into the picture so to speak...
    I really love all your different shapes!

  2. Good idea Cherie. I hope that you feel wind-blown when you view the quilt!

  3. Ann, I love the movement in this piece, and I like your choice of colors. Have you thought of perhaps adding some shapes tying the border into the piece? I like Cherie's suggestion too of the welt in the binding. Let us see what you end up doing!

  4. A friend often finishes quilts with a zigzag stitch over a yarn or ribbon. That is one thing you could try. Green around the edge might be effective. The piece does feel wind blown. It's an interesting piece.

  5. Hi Ann, Yes, there is a up swept, swirling feel to your piece, so the movement/rhymthm challenge was met nicely. Interesting, repeating shapes and pleasing color combination, too. It reminds me of the Jetson's , very mod...colorful space ships and flying vortexes viewed through the window of my space pad.
    If you like the window view, I'd just bind it in the dark green or orange. But if you like a more integrated look, you could add some of the orange or green shapes that flow into the border.
    Good job!

  6. Hi Ann - Your piece is so swirly! It seems to be dancing. And your colors are an appealing combination. I have a thought about continuing your movement into the borders through quilting - on the right and left sides there are objects that come to an abrupt end at the border. What if you brought them into the border through the use of green thread that curved up like the pieces would if they were extended? This would give the piece a little more continuity, in my opinion.

  7. Nice motion and movement. I like the repetition of the shapes but each is slightly different. I like your abstracted appoach.


  8. Nice motion and movement. I like the repetition of the shapes but each is slightly different. I like your abstracted appoach.


  9. I just love love love this... the colors and how it flows.. Very nice ..


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