Friday, January 02, 2009

Zingers.... untitled, probably unfinished....

I've been in such a creative slump this fall. I've watched with interest as y'all have taken these challenges and run with them, while all I can do is sit in my studio and fondle fabric... without it speaking to me.

But I decided just to run with the ideas of zingers and start chunking stuff together..... the kernel of my idea was hope and renewal with the new year, new administration, and the gratitude that things are turning around in many aspects of our lives. So black/grey/lights with zingers of yellow were the basis for the project.

First attempt as our record snowfall was ending and the sun was peaking out.
It somehow doesn't feel finished but I'm at a loss for what to add to it.....

Second attempt was yesterday with the top background foundation pieced to the back ground. The ends of the pieces formed an interesting pattern which was then echoed in the yellow (left overs from a border).....

Again, I'm not thrilled with it, but its done. As I looked at it, It almost looks like a ship sailing into darkness which is certainly not the image I wanted to project.

Critiques, of course, are welcome.....

And I'll be continuing with my personal challenge of only using things out of my stash for the FFCs..... and now off to the gym to start working off some of the holiday calories!


  1. Hi Wendy. I like your first piece but wonder what it would have looked like with a curved streak of light? I also like the second one and was taken by your observation of it looking like a ship sailing into the darkness rather than into the light.

  2. No, no, no Wendy.....
    that is NOT a ship sailing into a dark night! It is a fun Carnival-style ship on a New Years Eve sailing past a gi-normous iceberg! Hey, whoever gets that close!! I think it is a great piece, maybe add a bit of New Years 'fluff'..
    This piece has a lot of potential IMHO

  3. Your second attempt is very successful - I see it as a sunrise over the ocean. That being said I do like your first attempt as well.

  4. Hi Wendy,
    Your second piece looks to me like a new hope dawning. Its very cool!I agree with LAQuilts that it looks like a sunrise. I could be titled - Sailing into a bran new Year! Nice work Joni

  5. Wendy... You are off to a great start this year. Your second piece is on the mark.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wendy sorry about the above deletion but my spelling was atrocious.
    i really like your first piece; it has a calmness and serenity about it. Some free motion quilting could have added some interest.

  8. Hi Wendy - I think both of your pieces have good potential. The second one is more realized than the first but don't pitch that first one!

    I agree with Janice on curving the yellow bit on the first piece - you have these lovely undulating shapes and the straight yellow seems a bit jarring. I could see several thin curved yellow shapes streaking across the piece from the upper right.

    And I think the second piece is quite a delight just as it is. I like the dark to light on the upper half and the vivid color you have added wakes it all up. As my son says "sweet"!


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