Saturday, February 07, 2009

Flowers in Blue

17" x 18 1/2"

The idea of tension or energy suggested to me that warm/hot colors were called for, but my design didn't match my stash nor my method of working, so mid-week I switched to pulling out other fabrics and letting them tell me how to put them together. Thus, I came up with the purple/blue/green shades, and using a strong blue for the background helped in adding a cool energy. I added lines of beads in the two lighter purple sections and in the larger two blue floral parts, and a scattering of individual beads in the green part to make a further pattern contrast.

And since I was already late, I decided to get the whole piece mounted on foam core because the shape in this case is not just a container, but an integral part of the design.

This piece needs a better title, just haven't come up with one yet, suggestions and critiques welcome!


  1. Hi Tobi,
    This is a very interesting piece. Your choice of fabric is excellent and the hand work on the purple shows off well. The shape is very intriging, how did you mount it to the foam core? Was it difficult?

  2. Hi Tobi - My first thought was that this was a blooming butterfly. And that's how my eyes keep seeing it - something about the shape and the green diagonal for a body. I like your color combinations and appreciate the bits of yellow in with the blue. Nice work.


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