Saturday, February 07, 2009

It is a bit late, but all in all I think I did well being only a week late with my piece for the challenge. For want of a better name I am calling this Houses, View #1. It is small only 12.5 x 9.75 inches. Background is strip pieced then cut apart and put back together. Houses were drawn free hand so they wobble a bit. Colors are green, blue green and blue in various shades, tints and tones, depending on what I had in my stash of commercial hand dyed fabric. Embellishments are the beaded rooftops and the pearl cotton bare branched trees and bushes. My theme for these challenges is structures, and the flow of these little houses across the quilt top creates rhythm with repetition.

If anyone can come up with a better name for this little guy let me know.

Kathy Walker


  1. Kathy, very nice piece. The colors are wonderful, lot's of range and I like the movement not only of the houses but the strip pieceing too.

  2. Kathy, I like your composition, with its very soft color palette. The hand stitched trees and bushes add alot to the piece. I wonder if even more trees would help add interest? Beautiful work.

  3. Thanks for your kind comments, Joni I though about adding more trees, but I didn't want to clutter the background. Also I feel that 3 is a good number and with the 2 bushes there are 5 embroidered elements, same number as houses. Symmetry of a sort.

    Kathy W.

  4. Hi Kathy - I really like your composition. The movement of the strip-pieced background forms a nice setting for your tall houses. I find them very charming. I like the way you have limited small details with the trees and bushes. Of course, I am one of those "less is more" people! Your color choices give this piece a pleasing serene feeling. Nice work.

  5. The muted colors make it look like a cool misty morning. The bright white and pastel doorways against the dark houses add a bit of spark to the color scheme. It seems to be a very still piece, but there is a bit of slow gentle movement which adds interest.


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