Sunday, February 08, 2009

Challenge 29 - Soaring

Like many of you, I didn't think I would get a challenge done this time because of other commitments. Someone gave me a piece of fabric with eagles, and the challenge seemed the perfect choice for this fabric. This is all commercial fabric (one of my goals is to use up some of my stash this year).
I seldom use orange, but the brown and orange of the eagle, and the challenge of using analogous colors made me stretch. So my colors are orange, yellow orange, red orange, yellow and brown.
I used paintsticks to add interest to the sky. In person, this looks more orange and less yellow, but this is the way my camera picked up the colors. Movement was added with the curved "wild geese" block, and the quilting . This is my first time doing this curved block, and I thank Caryl Bryer Fallert for the free pattern on her website. I plan to finish the edges with a facing rather than a binding, as I feel a binding would close the eagle in, and I want him to soar with freedom. This piece is 13 x 16 inches.
Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
LindaMac in Wyo


  1. Hi Linda - What a beauty! The size of the eagle in proportion to the trees makes it seem as if he is flying right at you. I particularly like the way you have used the flying geese to create his flight path. The quilting adds a lot of movement. The way you used the commercial fabrics is lovely. You met the challenge so well.

  2. Linda - The freedom I feel when I look at you eagle is wonderful. I agree you don't want to close him in. The flying geese are absolutly the perfect touch to create movement. It is a beautiful piece!
    Pat Havey

  3. Great use of not only color but movement. I love the flying geese pattern inserted after the eagle to show where his flight originated. Your quilting adds to the movement. My only suggestion might be that when you cut out the trees if you want a more natural look cut them in a much less smooth fashion. Great job!

  4. Linda, this is fabulous. you have certainly achieved movement and the flying geese really add to it.


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