Friday, March 06, 2009

Music Makes My Heart Sing

I have added a picture of the completed project. The handstitching that I added could be smoother, but I was happy to have finally added it to something after thinking about it for so long. Also, I am much happier with the smaller border and the red binding. Thanks for the help and encouragement.

Thank you very much for this challenge. It has been fun. Split complimentary color scheme is red, yellow-green, and blue-green. I attempted to repeat the S-curve in the straightest line in the G clef. The greens are not so obvious, so it seemed like the thing to do was add borders. At this point the piece is quilted very simply around the applique pieces and the curve down the middle.

I feel that, while the borders repeat the split complimentary colors for emphasis, am not certain they are that successful. While in person the piece looks fairly balanced, the picture looks a bit top heavy. Would like some feedback on that or anything else that could be improved.

Am considering simply binding it in black. Am looking for comments on whether that choice or a faced binding will be more successful. Thanks so much for pushing me to do this. Have never been so intentional about the use of an S Curve before.

Oh, and my series is stripes.


  1. Hi Betty. I like your black and white with the addition of the color scheme. What would happen if you did a narrow binding in the red?

  2. Great idea, Janice. Thanks so much.

  3. I very much like this pieces Betty. I agree with Janice, if you did a binding with the red it would add some zip, don't you think?
    What if you added borders around the pictures using your split complimentary colors, just to give it more color...

  4. Hi Betty... glad to see someone else thought of music with the S-curve... haha.
    I have looked at this piece a while, I am wondering why it needs borders.Go into your Photo Program and crop off the borders, see what you think, then go from there. Or, it could be they are too wide for your piece? I agree red would be a good binding, how about a red corded binding.. Just some thoughts.
    Good job on this!

  5. Rhoda/Carole:
    Thank you very much for those ideas. I think I will try adding chunky hand stitching in the greens around the red borders on the music staff side. Also, I did just play around in photoshop with the outside borders - with, without, and narrower. You are right, the borders are too wide. If I can get enough color in with my hand stitching they might not be necessary.In any case, they can be narrower. Thanks again.

  6. Betty, I hope you show us a picture if you change your piece :)

  7. Hi Betty, I really like the contrast of the vintage look on the left with the modern jazzy feel on the right. I didn't even see the borders at first...I thought it was the back of your couch or something. I do like the blue-green border, but the dark green seems too dark...maybe that is what you are seeing as top heavy? Often a lighter value goes better at the top and darker at the bottom to ground it. I like the idea of cropping the borders and adding a zinger binding.
    Good work!

  8. Hi Betty, I agree with the others about a zinger binding. I like the general nostalgic feel of this piece, it satisfies the challenge guidelines. What if it had a bit more of the blue-green and yellow green, to show off the red that you have. Nice work!

  9. Wow Betty, it jumps now, great job on this challenge.
    And kudos to you for trying other ideas...

  10. Good job, Betty...everything you did added alot to the piece

  11. Great job! I like the changes you made and that you weren't afraid to try some things that were suggested.


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