Monday, March 30, 2009

Challenge 31 - Double Arch

I don't have an art background, so hope I interpreted Challenge 31 right, with my Double Arch. This is from a photo taken in Utah's canyonlands. The sky is hand painted and is my highly saturated or pure color. The other fabrics are purchased batiks, the muddy-green being the shadow, and the others showing light falling on the arches.
It was fun making this, and brought back memoires of trips there when the kids were little. I welcome comments, and learn from them. Thanks, LindaMac in Wyo
P.S. This is not on the web site yet, as I didn't find a folder for Challenge 31.


  1. I think you've probably interpreted the challenge aright (though I'm still trying to work out what I'm doing. In any case, it's a visually stunning piece. Wonderful!

  2. This is very nice. I like the way your shadows interplay and make a secondary design. I think you interpreted the challenge right...or at least to my understanding. Great job!

  3. I like this very much. The saturated color is great, and the tones are very realistic, as well. It looks very succesful to me!

  4. I was thinking yesterday how this challenge lends itself to pictorals and nature scenes. Of course, in tha moment, I was snapping pix of some of the local ruins.... for my piece!

    Great job, great topic, lovely interplay of colors and shapes. You done good!

  5. Great job! I get a real sense of space and volume from this piece. Good use of color too. I agree with Wendy that this challenge lends itself to pictorial work. Your pieces seems very successful to me.

  6. Linda,
    You did a fantastic job with this challenge, the intense blue sky really sets off the double arches. Great use of color and shading.

  7. I love the depth you've achieved with this piece through the use of the varying textures in your fabric choices. The clear blue sky really makes it all stand out.

  8. Linda,
    I really love this piece. I like all your work but I think this is one of the best you have done.
    You did a great job of creating depth and having the blue sky as the saturated color. My only comment is that, since you painted the background, I wonder what it would have looked like to take the blue in the lower horizon to an even paler tone than you did? Great job! Kathy

  9. Linda, you have depicted one of my favorite places in the world beautifully! It pulls me into the picture and I feel like I'm there again. Great job!

  10. This is beautiful and not fussy. You've really captured the challenge that was put forth. I can imagine being in the scene it is so realistic.

  11. Stunning. You have really captured the form and depth of the rock formations.

  12. This is it!
    Very much how I saw the challenge unfolding... it definitely lends itself to this type of architecture..
    This is so well done... Keep those old photographs... one never knows...
    looking forward to more of your work.

  13. Linda,
    I loved this one when you posted first, and it is still one of my favorites. Great job.


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