Saturday, March 07, 2009

Currents & Eddies

My split complementary palette is orange, blue-green and blue-violet. This is an abstract of a current in a stream with the bubbles being the foam. The currents and the foam from the S-curve. I really enjoyed this challenge but found that blue-violet is not an easy color to locate. Most shops/fabric stores have a great selection of blues, violets and red-violets, but not much blue-violet. What I did find, though was perfect. This is only the quilt top and I probably won't have time to quilt it for a few weeks. First, my very good friend and quilting mentor passed away unexpectedly. Her passing has deeply affected me. Then, I will be traveling from CA to TX for the Dallas quilt show and to visit relatives from the 11th to the 17th. I have a quilt hanging there that is a tribute to my mother. Her sister hasn't seen it so I am going to surprise her at the show. This same quilt was accepted to Sacred Threads and that has me walking on air!


  1. This piece really does have a nice flow. Nice S-curves in both the background and the foam. Well done.

  2. Hi Ann, I'm so sorry about the loss of your good friend. If she was your quilting mentor, you have honored her with this effervesent and lively piece. Great colors and pattern and movement. Did you consider a stray bubble or three elsewhere in the border? It's fairly ordered and a few erratic bubbles might balance that. Just a thought, it's wonderful as it is.

  3. Thank you Cynthia.Yes, I do believe that a few more bubbles would work. I want to maintain the S-curve with them, so will probably scatter them in the same general vicinity at each end.

  4. Ann, nice colors...some of my favorites! Nice curve, too. I agree with Cynthia, a few bubbles to balance out the strong curve running diagonally might add some balance. Nice job!

  5. Ann, so sorry for your loss.
    The piece is wonderful, love the colors and various sizes of bubble carries the eyes right through the piece. Interesting use of the S curve.

  6. Hi Ann.... first I will add my condolences to you in the loss of your friend and mentor....
    then let me say Congratulations on your piece now showing and then heading off to Sacred Threads.
    Now, this piece, great use of color and the S-curve... I hope you will post it when you get the additions to the border treatment and it quilted.
    Good job!

  7. Such a pleasing piece, I love the colors and movement.

    And I'm sorry for your loss.... how often our quilts ease our pain and move us in unexpected ways.

  8. Hi Ann,
    It is amazing how you were able to put this together, with all that is going on in your life. I'm sorry to learn of your loss, but happy that you were juried into Sacred Threads. You certainly have had your ups and downs. This is a wonderful piece, and I love the way the bubbles go into the borders. The colors work very well too. Nice work!

  9. Ann:
    This is delightful. Love your color selection and the abstract quality of your quilt.
    Let me add an expression of my sympathy on your loss to the ones above. Also, congratulations on your acceptance into Sacred Threads. Your mentor would be proud and pleased I'm sure.

    Betty Warner

  10. Love the colors like everyone else. They're relaxing as are the 'S' curved water flow and the bubble arising from the flow. My only suggestion would be that maybe you take part of the flow off the black border like you did the bubbles. Might work and might not.


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