Sunday, March 08, 2009

This was a busy week and thoughts about the challenge would pop in and out of my mind randomly. Saturday morning, as I was laying on the floor stretching, the whole quilt came through in one flash. My theme is whatever is going on in my life at the time of the challenge and the idea came of a horizontal orientation, with a flock of birds coming back with the spring weather (flying in an S shape formation which is not strictly accurate), and bare trees underneath them at the bottom of the quilt. The birds would be dark blue purple against a yellow and orange sky. As I looked out the window, there was a small flock of grackles swarming into the trees in the backyard!

The orange of the sky and the birds are fused and the trees were first drawn in with a purple fabric marker. That didn't look quite right so I ended up threadpainting them-which was boring as heck and very time consuming, but I finally decided definitely worth the work. The size is 22 1/2' x 11".

Nancy Schlegel


  1. Really nice, Nancy. I like your curve running horizontally. I'm glad you decided thread painting is worth the effort, it can be used so effectively. Great job!

  2. Nancy, this is so-o-o innovative, and very effective. I like the v-shapes and the v-formation or the birds. Your color scheme is really working with piece.
    I love thread-painting, it often works when nothing else will...
    Well done!

  3. Love it... grace and movement and fluidity. You did it!

  4. Beautiful! It so reminds me of the huge flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds when they first return in spring flying in just the pattern you put on the quilt.

  5. Nancy,
    Hope you are ready to fill the bird feeder with all those feathered friends coming to call. What a lovely sign of spring! I like the horizontal version of the s-curve, and the trees at the bottom are extremely well done. Nice work!

  6. I like your horizontal piece and the horizontal S-curve. The thread painted trees are an essential part of your composition. Love your horizontal quilting. Well done!

  7. Hi Nancy, this is a wonderful piece! the colors came together beautifully and it has great contrasts in values and shapes. Love the abstracted feel of the birds...great job!


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