Monday, March 23, 2009

Dragon Tail

Finally! Here is the Dragon tail study for challenge 30. The S-curve was excellent for dragons. I have been wanting to do a study on getting tail loops and patterning right for scales.

Recently I have started doing some doodles after seeing them mentioned on Quilt Art. I realised this would be a way to develop patterns. So, first I worked on some ideas. Then when I thought I had got it right, I used the sewing machine to draw in a similar way.

Here is the doodle.
For the split complementary, I used blue with red-orange and yellow-orange. I have blogged about the process of making the piece.
The piece is 6x12in, as I am also using these as journal quilts with the British Quilt Guild Contemporary Group.


  1. Glad you were able to get this one done Sandy... I am enjoying this series very much.
    the S-curve certainly is conducive to tails, I had to smile at that...
    I also appreciated your 'how-to'... as in how you did it on your blog.
    I appreciate too, your doodle.... something I have been trying lately, in fact on my last Moon, I used a doodle..

  2. Sandy, I like your dragon's tail, it's very playful and totally is an S-curve. I think you should elevate the status of your "doodle" to that of a "Sketch", it is excellent too. Joni


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