Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Free Spirit or Spring Fever

This was an enjoyable challenge for me. I loved the color scheme, how ever I had a hard time coming up with a design that was appropriate for the fabrics I chose. This is my third attempt and I arrived here by stacking the three fabrics, pinning them together and then proceeded to sew curvy flowing lines as the “spirit” moved me. I cut away layers and came up with this composition. It is journal size and not very intricate, but I kind of like it. With the temperature rising into the 80’s outside, it kind of gives you spring fever, so I am undecided about the name. Comments, even at this late date would be appreciated.


  1. Joni. this is so cool.... I would say you hit it dead on!! Boy, makes me glad I will soon be reuniting with my sewing machine!! Beautiful reverse applique... [I think that is what it is called??], certainly your satin stitch is to die for!! Well done, and better late so we can enjoy it!!

  2. Joni:
    What an intersting piece. Great curves, great stitching - both the satin stitching and the quilting. Well done! I enjoy it very much.

  3. Hi Joni, love the color combination, the soft orange tint is just perfect with the muted teal and the shades of fuschia. And the lime green stitching adds a good punch, too. Very graceful composition...great job!

  4. Joni, very nice! You hit the mark, IMO on this one. It reminds me of one of my favorite spring flowers: Johnny Jump Up so why not name it
    "Joni Jump Up"?

  5. I like this piece very much - the simplicity of it appeals to me and also the complementary color scheme.


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