Thursday, March 05, 2009

Tree of Life (Challenge #30 without it's binding)

I loved this challenge... I used the red/orange blue green for my split complimentary colors. The "S" shapes were just free hand cut out pieces of fabric and fused to a piece of craft bond. I couched some yarns and ribbon. Did some fun stitches.. and quilted each piece separately. I am going out of town for a few days so when I come back I will be putting a binding on it.. and possibly some beads...My finished size will be about 14 x 14 ...


  1. Hi Laura - This little work just grabs me. It pulls my eye here and there and back to the center to start all over again. I think your color combinations and placement are super. I really like the red that has a striped effect. And the vines add to the organic feeling. I hope you will post it again when you've completed it.

  2. Very nice Laura! This looks like you had a lot of fun with it. I like your embellishment threads, they add a lot of dimension to the piece.

  3. Laura:
    I like looking at this piece. My eye moves gently around the piece following the red. While it is a gentle piece with soft curves, the use of the red makes it feel more intense than gentle.

    Good work!

  4. Cascade! I thought... I have studied this for a bit... I am impressed with the color combination.. and the more I see, the more the S-curve is an interesting design concept.
    I like your added 'leaves; to the edges of the various pieces, definitely an 'added interest'.
    Well done Laura, and I too look forward to seeing it completed.

  5. Laura, this is a wonderful and colorful piece, that really captures one's attention. Your decorative stitching adds even more interest, and I look forward to seeing this one finished. Nice work.

  6. Echoing the words of others, I like the flow and use of the prescribed color palette in your quilt. The little embellishment additions make this a visually stimulating piece. Good work!

  7. Hi Laura, love all that texture and pattern and what gorgeous colors you put together. It has a lush feel to it...great job!


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