Friday, March 06, 2009

Lava Lamp

Once again the timing of this challenge was perfect! I actually had the design idea for this small piece (15" x 15") rattling around inside my brain since I purchased the patterned bluish fabric while visiting my parents in Florida last month. As soon as I saw the fabric it made me think of the lava lamp an aunt had that used to fascinate me as a child. To be honest I was picturing the work as being created from an analogous color scheme - blue green, green and yellow-green - but this month's challenge made me consider replacing the green with red and I think it works much better than it would have. It is pretty much done and all quilted but now I think it may be crying out for a few beads and a touch of embroidery.


  1. Kathy, I love your lava lamp. The colors just jump out. LindaMac in Wyo

  2. Hi Kathy, what a fun piece and title. Your curves and colors work really well in this piece. Great job!

  3. Kathy:
    I echo the comments above and enjoy this piece very much. I think your idea of adding a few beads is a good one.

  4. Hi Kathy... I remember Lava Lamps... I always wanted one, someday when I grew up! You did an excellent job here both with your colors and the 'lava lamp' curves, it is a fun piece and I can see lots of embellishment on this...We don't see the edges on this... but even something coming off the bottom?? Just a thought...
    BTW... your piecework is very good...

  5. I love this - the colors really work well and you very nicely captured the essence of a lava lamp. Leave it - no need for beads.

  6. Hi Kathy, great color scheme,perfect for the subject! Have you considered adding a few misshaped globs or string of small circles between a few of the larger circles? This feels somewhat ordered/symmetrical with the red circles evenly placed and similiar sized. I remember staring at lava lamps and the fascinating way the globs separated and floated up (very psychedelic.
    Your work is always so impeccably's a treat to see your pieces.

  7. Hi Kathy, your lava lamp is excellent, I love the color selection and the way the "s" curves just draw you in. The quilting adds a sense of motion to your lamp too. Very nice.

  8. Hi Kathy - You really captured the essence of a lava lamp. Like Cynthia, I think a few odd shapes of "lava" bubbling up might add interest. Your color combinations are a delight and you certainly made lovely curves. Great response to the challenge.


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