Sunday, April 05, 2009


This is not what I originally intended to make for this challenge. In fact I pulled the fabric today for an entirely different piece, but this has been calling to me and calling to me and wouldn't shut up or let me work on anything else until it was done!
Not sure if I met the challenge with it and I am almost embarrassed to put it on here with all the wonderful pieces that are posted already, but I actually like it more than I thought I I still plan on doing the other piece now that this one has gotten what it wanted, though it isn't quilted yet. I can do both at the same time when I finish the next one.
It is as you can see, done in reds, with pale pink as the *shine*, the shadow was done using a black fabric crayon. Size is 12x20.
Comments, as always, are welcome :-)


  1. Cathy,
    I really like this piece a lot. I can't wait to see how you finish it!
    Kathy L

  2. Very cool, Cathy. That is an incredibly 3-D chili pepper. It certainly pops!

  3. I love it! Of course, I love chilis! Great color and shadow and depth.....

  4. This is great! So realistic. I think the choice of fabric for the background helps a great deal. But your shading and highlights are very good.
    Sandy in the UK

  5. Cathy, your little pepper is wonderful. The shading and the highlights are excellent! Very nice job.

  6. I thought it was a photo.. so realistic.
    Love it!! Nicely done......

  7. So realistic, one could reach out and eat it..

  8. Hi Cathy, Hope you are settled into your new place. Love your piece, realistic, colorful and wonderfully executed with those shadows and highlights. Great job

  9. Hi Cathy,

    This is great. I have some of that background fabric and I just love it. Good job.



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