Sunday, April 05, 2009

Walking The Dog on A Parisian Windy Day

Here it is, late and still not finished. I need to do a bit more stitching and bind it. It is measures 24x30.

Continuing with my women theme I have a lovely gal taking her dog for a walk. The inspiration for the background buildings came from a painting by Edouard Toudoze. I love the buildings and thought I could portray the planes, the strollers in the distance have shadows and I've used many muted colors and saturated colors in the flowers and foliage. I should mention that I used oil pastels for shadows, bricks etc. and it worked very well. I let them cure overnight and than heat set them.
I didn't start with a sketch for as I usually do, but used Pamela Allan's scissor cutting for it, which was fun and challenging too. I worked hard to incorporate the woman into the scene, and tried many things before she found her spot.
I'm trying to think of a name for my style and guess you could call it embroidery applique, there are a lot of embroidery stitches in it.
Susan I hope I've met this challenge, and it was a great challenge. I enjoyed every aspect of it albeit my fingers are sore.
I look forward to critique from my peers.


  1. This is terrific Rhoda! It is my favorite of your series so far, and I have loved all of them. The strollers are perfect and you captured the windy day so well. Well done!

  2. This is excellent Rhoda! I think it is a lot easier to make a scene if you just cut the shapes needed and put them there. It turns out much more realistic.

    I am just wondering... what do you think of making the edges of the gap behind the lady just a bit darker. At first I thought it was a painting on the wall. then I realised it was a very clever way of showing people beyond. I think if the edges were more defined, it would diferentiate between the "planes" better.

    I really like how you have the shadows for the lady and the dog. They really work to make them seem to be walking along.
    If I were you I would definitely enter this somewhere!!
    Sandy in the UK

  3. Sandy, thanks for your comments. Do you mean I should make the edges of the building sharper?or I could shade a bit from the walls into the scene maybe.

  4. Rhoda, I think this is a wonderful piece! I love everything about it, from her open toed shoes to the dog, her so stylish hat and the folks in the background. Great job showing a windy day too. I think you did a great job with this challenge!

  5. This is so cool. It really does capture a moment and one can almost feel the wind. The planes are really well done. I think this challenge lends itself so much to architecture and you did a really nice job with that. The bright spots of colors are delightful. I think you did a really great job on this challenge.

  6. Hi Rhoda,
    Yes. I just think if the edges of the building were sharper...maybe with darker, thicker thread, it would define the plane slightly better. I don't think I would shade into the "plaza" area. I think it would mess with the light source in that area.
    It's just a thought.
    Take care,Sandy

  7. Rhoda, your ladies in your series are all delightful. This one seems to be tackling the wind with a great attitude. You have not only made a beautiful scene, but you have set an mood for your scene as well. You not only met the goals of the challenge, you really met some of the goals we all strive for as artists. Very nice work.

  8. Rhoda. . this IS SO FABULOUS!!!!!!!
    The best so far. Wow!! I would buy this one, and I agree, you MUST enter this.
    24 x 30 is a nice size for shows and I personally recommend the National Juried Show [Canadian].
    Great Work..........

  9. Hi Rhoda,
    Love the "arty" feel of this piece. Great job.



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