Saturday, April 04, 2009

"Cistern I" (16" x 18")

I feel I succeeded on the composition part of the challenge calling for planes and masses. The cylinder takes form with soft shadows. The cast shadow of the roof called for a hard-edged shadow. However, I have fallen short on the color concept - achieving luminosity with saturated and toned colors. Thank you Susan for a great challenge and the helpful references. The image is drawn from a water tower located in Old Town, Temecula, CA - I did this in drawing class on Tuesday. This is a whole cloth quilt. The base silk fabric was stitched then dyed with Procion dyes. Inks were used to define the tower. Comments welcome.


  1. Della, you have certainly captured the aspect of planes, even though it is painted. I also think the colors are great without the addition of saturated colors.

  2. It is a great piece and reminds me of our old cistern that I've photographed and drawn over and over. I think a bit more darkness on the roof along the left portion and a bit more brightness on the right would achieve your luminosity. Same for the tank itself. Love it either way!

  3. Hi Della
    What a wonderful painting this is! I too would like to see the light side a bit brighter. I guess what throws me is it almost looks translucent as if you are seeing the 'sky' through the tank. The beads give it great texture. I love it

  4. I really love this piece and you certainly achieved the planes and masses element very successfully. I don't miss seeing the more saturated color added to this piece. The quilt developed the way it was meant to and turned out great.

  5. Great piece! It immediatlely took me back to the Hardy Boys on the original Micky Mouse Club in the 50's where they found the treasure in a water tank near the railroad tracks. Anybody else that old?

    Excellent shading and contour.

  6. Hi Della,
    How can just a water tower look so beautiful? You have made something ordinary look extraordinary. The soft tones are very appealing, your shadows and highlights are effective. This is wonderful! I love it!

  7. All has been said....very well done... oh, to be able to draw..........
    Will you add any stitching to this?
    It is so lovely.

  8. Hi Della, great piece, love the shadows and the color scheme and of course the drawing itself. With your method of drawing, stitching, then dyeing and using inks...I think the only way to get the combination of saturated pure hue and muted shades/tones, would be to start with a pure hue (it would have to be a lighter color) then ink it with muted colors. Regardless of not getting the luminosity part, this is a really good piece. Great work!

  9. Hi Della,

    Very interesting piece and very well done. Love the color scheme.



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