Saturday, April 04, 2009

"Wall Ruins, Visby, Gotland Sweden" 20"x30"
This is a composite photoshopped to merge two photos that I took 15 years ago in Visby, Gotland, which is an island off the coast of Sweden. One photo had the house framed in the arch, and the other had the double arches. I have been meaning to paint this view for a long I have...with fabric :-)
I haven't finished the edges yet, but I think it will be faced.
Comments and suggestions are welcome as always...


  1. Great depth you've achieved looking through the arches with a focus on the house. Your quilting of the stones is subtle yet powerful in giving the quilt a realistic look. One's focus is drawn through the arches to the house so well. Love it!

  2. What an enchanting quilt. Well done.

  3. Cherie, this is wonderful. Love the addition of the embroidered flowers :)
    I think you've succeeded with the planes and the saturated colors, the white of the house fairly jumps out.

  4. Good job, Cherie. You have used the toned colors very effectively to create planes and masses and the bright spot seen through the arches meets to color criteria.

    I think the arches are particularly well done.

  5. Cherie,
    I am fascinated by your scene, and appreciate all the detail you have put into it. The planes, are very well done and you have used the saturated color well to emphasize the house within the arch. What if the house had a few shadows, would it make it less noticable, or would it make it even more of a vocal point?

  6. So very intricate.... hours of cutting and stitching to achieve your brick/stone!
    Very well done.
    A very pleasing piece.


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