Thursday, April 30, 2009


As so often seems to happen, this piece started with what I thought was a simple, quick idea. Ha! If I had known how many hours it would take to accomplish, I would have changed the plan from the beginning.
Almost every quilt I have ever made has been designed on my morning run. This is a rare exception as I woke up the morning after the challenge was posted with the design in my head. I made the monoprint of grasses several years ago and had no idea what I was going to do with it until now. The first problem was that it was on a small piece of white fabric so I overdyed it chartreuse and at the same time dyed another piece of fabric the same color so I could applique the print to the background and have it look like it was one. Then, my plan to use commercial fabrics for the squares just wasn't working so I dyed several more pieces of fabric to get my analogous blues and greens as well as a magenta complement.
Once I had my print appliqued to the background I created a grid using 1/8" pieces of tape that I cut from a 1" roll of blue tape. I fused the 1" squares to the background and then quilted the whole thing.
Of course I didn't even think about the binding when I started and now I have no fabric left so I am dying yet another piece chartreuse so I can match the binding to the border/background. The finished piece is 14" x 21".


  1. Oh I really like this. It has a definite Arts and Crafts feel to it. I like that you combined the grid and the frame elements of the challenge into this. It has a very architectural feel to it.

  2. Kathy this piece was worth all the effort you put into it. Fabulous job on dying the fabric, your colors are beautiful. I like the way the grid draws you in to view the monoprint of the grasses, and the contrast of the circle amid all the linear activity if very effective. Isn't it wonderful to use something special we have be saving for just the right piece! This piece give a lovely peaceful feeling, very nice work!

  3. Superb Kathy. Very, very effective. Your personal touch in the hand-dyed fabrics all make it so special.I am guessing you must have used 1.5" squares? Proves that one needs to keep even those small pieces!
    So well done!

  4. I think this is a very sophisticated looking piece. Quietly elegant. Lovely!

  5. Kathy:
    I am in awe. A great piece. I especially noticed your restraint in the use of the magenta color. It is just the right amount.
    Great job!
    Betty Warner


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