Thursday, April 30, 2009


This is a silly little quiltlet - no series, no theme, just a quick experiment. Therefore, I don't expect a lot of praise... The squares are woven and fused onto a foundation, then the stems and flowers were fused on, as well. The quilting uses one of my favorite variegated threads, and the wavy vertical lines that I've begun to use a lot. My main question - Does it meet the challenge?
The size is 8 1/2" x 7 1/2"


  1. I think this meets the challenge. You have the grid and if the colors you worked with are red-orange/red and orange with a complement of green; or at least by the color wheel I'm using. Nice job Katie, isn't it fun to just work a little free form?

  2. Katie, it looks like you had alot of fun with this one, and let your self out of the box to play. The woven strips establish a grid, and so meet that part of the challenge, and your color selection works too. The overall effect of your piece is very pleasing and colorful. What if your flower stems were trimmed up to be a little thinner, then perhaps they would just lead the eye to the flowers and not compete with them. Very nice job!

  3. Katie... this is a departure from your Innukshuk's... and what fun! Very colorful, very eye-catching.
    I noted, too the stems are a tad thick, but how about just putting say a thinner, darker color [doesn't even have to be green] over top [especially since it is quilted] and let the eye 'see' the dancing lollypops, with the light behind them.
    A few beads or glitter on the flower petals maybe and ...? Just a couple of 'what-ifs'...
    Well done!

  4. All good ideas. Thanks - I'll be changing it one of these days!

  5. Love the way you wove the background together. Besides the stems, what if you quilted some leaves over the stems and through the background to add a bit to the piece?

  6. A very "happy" piece Katie. I too love the woven background and would like to see some leaves added.

  7. Katie:
    This looks like you had fun creating it. It think you met the challenge. seems to me that you met the challenge. Good job!

    Betty Warner


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