Thursday, April 09, 2009

I finally found a day I could work on this months challange. Sometimes life just gets in the way of having fun. I guess better late than never so here I am very very late. This 20x 13 inch piece is a picture from the Nature Conservancy calander. I felt it had everything for this challange. I had a great time threadpainting the trees and layering the sheers to create the sunset sky. There is a minimum of quilting in the sky because I felt it would break it up too much and it needed the unbroken expanse. This is only the second landscape I have ever attempted so it is an amazing challange to me. I love all comments and any suggestions you may have. Thank you so much for a great challange.

Pat Havey


  1. Pat,
    You did such a wonderful job on this challenge, I first thought that you had printed the scene from the calendar onto fabric. Then I looked at the enlarged version and saw your incredible thread painting, WOW. You achieved the effect I was aiming for in my piece, your sunset really glows! Nice work!

  2. Hi Pat, You should be thrilled with this is really gorgeous, glowing with color and mysterious with shadow/darkness. Great job! The only suggestion I have is to add quilting to the sky. I think it pops forward without the quilting and it would give the piece much more depth to push it back a bit. A way to preview quilting line possibilities is to print it out and draw the quilting lines in pencil. I think you could come up with some flowing lines to hand or machine quilt that won't break up the expanse and will enhance it immensely.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great job, especially with the thread painting on the trees. You've used it quite effectively with the darkest on the large tree in front and lighter in the background closest to the sun. Looks just like the spreading trees one sees in African pictures. Love it!

  5. Hi Pat,

    This is just gorgeous! I love, love, love it! The trees are just amazing and the piece glows. Great job.


  6. Pat,
    This is stunning. The choice of colors really grabs your eye and the thread painted trees are great. Cynthia mentioned quilting in the sky. Another way to preview is to get a piece of vinyl (it's sold by the yard at the fabric stores) and using a dry erase pen, sketch out a quilting design. You can try several designs that way.
    Kathy Angel Lee

  7. This is beautiful, Pat. It just glows. The silhouetted shapes against the bright sunset are very effective. I agree with some of the others who suggested that you add more quilting to the sky.


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