Friday, April 10, 2009

Small One - The Magical Elephant (Dragon)

Here is the latest dragon. The ideas for this one also brought a very fun story which was a joy to discover. It is over on my blog.

At first I wondered how I could do this saturated/planes thing with a dragon. I might have gone with him being in an ancient ruin as I have all sorts of photos I have taken of that type of scene. But because I am also going with the 6x12 size of the Contemporary Quilt Group, I wasn't sure I could do it without being so small it would be hard to read. And somehow, thoughts led to other thoughts and he ended up being adopted by the elephants.

Yes, I know. My brain is a bit different than most people's.

I thought I better look up exactly what elephant legs look like, and there was a photo taken of an elephants legs through the bushes. So, I thought I would adapt that concept to create the planes and masses part, and then use the dragon and bright surrounding to do the saturated part. The bushes behind him aren't as anchored as I'd like, but they will do.

Let me know what you think.


  1. To me, this is a totally fun piece and it sounds like you enjoyed the process which is the primary reason for this group--learning second.

    Your stories definitely add to the quilt.

    Thank you for bringing a smile to a rather dreary, sunless day.

  2. Hi Sandy,

    Great idea for the challenge. The gold/yellow really does glow against the greens and grays. Very cute.


  3. This is charming and whimsical. The bright colors really do glow.


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