Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Sign of Spring

As soon as I heard this challenge announced, I knew just what I wanted to do. Even though it meant going in a whole new direction for me and even though I had to wait until I could drive the hour to town to buy some daffodils at the local grocery. Then, in this part of the world that receives an average of 350 days of sunshine a year, we had three days in a row of overcast skies. So I eventually broke down and created my own shadow with a table lamp. This 12" x 17" piece is a painted wholecloth. It is finished other than the binding which I am anticipating being a blue like the "cloth" on the table.
My saturated colors are the vase and the daffodil. The tones are in the table cloth and the shadows. The planes are in the folds of the cloth and the shape of the flower.
I really enjoyed this process and expect to do more along the same lines.


  1. Wow this is gorgeous. I think you also created planes with your shadows. Your quilting is perfect for the piece. Have you considered using a facing rather than a binding on this?

  2. Kathy,
    This piece is awesome! (Janice took the words I was going to say.) I love the way the shadows work. What kind of paints do you use for your whole cloth work? It is really a wonderful interpretation of this challenge. Wow!

  3. Thank you Janice and Joni! Your comments mean a lot to me. This truely is a new road for me as I used watercolor paints on 100% cotton treated with soy milk. Time will tell if it really is permanent as claimed.
    And to answer your question, yes, I am thinking about a facing. That is why I haven't yet made the move to finish the edge. Thank you again! Kathy

  4. This is lovely. The blues are beautiful, and the yellow "pops" and I especially like the quilting design.

  5. I love it! What a great idea to use a rainbow colored fabric for the shadow.
    What about a piping to finish your edges?

  6. Jan, Thanks, but the "rainbow colored fabric" is actually part of the painted wholecloth!

  7. This is beautiful. Well done! It has great depth and dimension.

  8. To me the rainbow fabric acts as a prism of the sunlight. Great quilt showing the harbinger of Spring.

  9. This is beautiful! 'Nuff

  10. Stunning! Your painting is terrific! I have been wanting to try the watrcolor on fabric I know I must. This is a lovely quilt Kathy. My inclination would be to 'face' it.

  11. A happy daffodil. The stitching of the background is a perfect match.

  12. Kathy, you have certainly captured planes and shadows with your painting. Gorgeous.
    I too really like the quilting that you've added, a great composition.

  13. Oh wow!! Elegant simplicity!!
    Another one I see in reproduction, note cards, post cards, or 8 x 10. This is fabulous!!I love it.

  14. Hi Kathy,

    This is really lovely; great job on the painting. The daffodil is beautifully done and the draping fabric at the base shows a great deal of depth. My one comment would be that the vase looks a little flat; I'm not sure what is needed to create more of an illusion of a curved surface; perhaps more shading on one side? Oh, and I agree that the quilting is fantastic. Really nice job.


  15. Beautiful! The complementary blue and yellow really play off each other. I also like the simplicity of the piece.


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