Thursday, April 02, 2009

Approaching Storm

I finished Challenge #31 tonight and decided to post it since it won't get quilted for awhile yet. It's not quite as I'd hoped but acceptable. I even managed to stick with my theme of birds albeit a very small one. I decided to depict an approaching storm with the dark clouds forming but with the sun somewhere above making some of the clouds very bright and other parts not receiving the sun's direct light dark. It seems that when this happens the Swallows are always soaring high above catching the last remaining insects before the storm's fury strikes and drives them to cover.


  1. Jan, I really like the textures and shapes in this piece.... looks like our sky today with all sorts of clouds and peeking sun out there. The textures of the fabric really add interest. I see a rabbit in the clouds... how bout you?

  2. Jan, This piece makes me want to run to get my umbrella, you have really captured the look of a storm building. Wendy made me look for the rabbit in the clouds, yep - it's there. I guess we all are cloud watchers at heart. Very nice use of value in this work, well done.

  3. It is beautiful, Jan. Great use of value and the birds seem to provide scale to the clouds. On windy days I love to see birds soaring. It looks like such fun. You have captured that feeling.

  4. Thanks for pointing out the fat bunny Wendy! I hadn't seen him until just now. I remember laying outside in the grass as a child staring up at the clouds and imagining all sorts of figures. I also loved to watch them transform into another figure.

  5. Very nice! I love your use of texture in the clouds. I'm sure your quilting will only make this better.

  6. Great quilt depicting stormy weather.I like the "bubble" texture of the sky/background fabric which to me represents rain/snow moisture depending on which part of the world one resides. Your cloud fabric adds texture to the clouds.

    For those of us in the frozen north, the bunny gives us hope that spring might be on its way.

  7. I especially love the way you've done the clouds - not easy to do and this is really effective. Wonderful quilt.

  8. I love this one Jan! It could be a snapshot of the sky as I walked yesterday. The birds look so real, I can hear their 'Caw'.

  9. Nice piece. I can smell the rain in the air. Great use of value.

  10. Jan, what a wonderful use of colors. I would call the bright blue in the upper left corner saturated, fabulous piece.

  11. Ditto to all of the above...
    I am not sure of the size, but have you thought of reproductions, either postcard size? or 8 x 10? even notecards?
    I don't know if you are into selling your art, but this is a beauty. So very well done. Love your clouds.

  12. Hi Jan,

    This is really lovely. I especially like the use of the white on white fabric; it really adds a lot of texture. Great job!



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