Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yards and Masts

"On another day, she wandered with him, hand in, hand, along the deserted paths of a garden whose creepers had been cut out by a decorator's skillful hands. It was as though the real sky, the real flowers, the real earth were forbidden her for all time and she condemned to breathe no other air than that of the theater. An occasional fireman passed, watching over their melancholy idyll from afar. And she would drag him up above the clouds, in the magnificent disorder of the grid, where she loved to make him giddy by running in front of him along the frail bridges, among the thousands of ropes fastened to the pulleys, the windlasses, the rollers, in the midst of a regular forest of yards and masts."

from chapter XI Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux

I constructed two wonky strata's , embellished with strips of wonky cut sheers. Then I cut them into strips inserting the alternating stratas. Finally, I further embellished and quilted, reinforcing the grid pattern.

My colors are blue-green, blue, and green with red-orange as the complimentary.

The piece measures 11"x15"

Joni, this was a terrific challenge! I had so much fun with it, I intend to continue with a series of grids. Thanks for the inspiration!

Comments gratefully accepted



  1. Wow, Cherie! And prose to accompany your piece. You've set the bar high for the rest of us. I love the feel of movement you've achieved with your 'wonky' grid. It almost seems like it's water beneath a pier mixed with seaweed. The red is avibrant color that makes it really pop. Great job!

  2. Hi Cherie, this is a great take on the grid's a grid feel, but with lots of movement and depth. Love the transparent feel of the layers and the little bit of glitz had some texture and liveliness. It's such a good example of the color concept also, it just would not have been as dramatic without the orangy-red complement. Excellent job!

  3. Hi Cheri, This is wonderful! I love Phantom of the Opera, and your piece has a theatrical feel to it. You have really grasped the grid and the color concepts and I'm glad you feel inspired to do more on the same vein. It is a colorful and playful piece and a great one to start off this challenge. Bravo! Joni

  4. Jan, Cynthia and Joni...Thank you for your wonderful comments, I truly appreciate it! I'm looking forward to experimenting more with both grids and this technique in the future.

  5. This is a wonderful quilt! I love the irregular shapes of the grid and the colors that move from "square" to "square" under the top layers. Great job!

  6. Cherie, this is very stunning. I like that you didn't make your grids perfect squares. Nice work!

  7. Nice take on this challenge Cherie, with the wavy grid lines.... and what can we say..poetry to match??
    Well done! It has a 'watery' sense to it with the range of blues, the glitz and the sheers...
    Your use of that yarn really works to add to the overall feeling.

  8. Cherie, I love this piece. Love the wonky grid and the repetition of the curves on the outside edge. The colors are great and the shimmery effect is stunning. Well done.
    Betty Warner


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