Thursday, April 23, 2009

Challenge #32

Challenge #32 – Use Grid or Framed and Analogous + complement
Hostess – Joni Feddersen

Color Concept: Analogous colors with a complementary color
An analogous- complementary scheme utilizes related hues lying adjacent on the color wheel with a hue directly opposite to these. Why is this an effective color scheme? An analogous color scheme is calming and pleasing, but can be unexciting. Adding a complementary color can add excitement, tension and emphasis as well as move the eye around the piece. Analogous with complementary can be less jarring than using just a straight complementary color scheme. It’s the best of both color schemes: the beauty of analogous with the drama of complementary.

Composition Concept: Using grids/frames
This is a broad composition concept and can be taken various ways. As in traditional quilting, grids (blocks) and frames (borders) have been used for years to add structure and unity to the quilts, but that is just one way to interpret this challenge.

There is a diagram of framed and grid composition in Katie Pasquini Masapust’s book Design Exploration for the Creative Quilter. See it here:

The famous artist Piet Mondrian introduced grids to the art world as a simplification of the relationships between color, size and shape.
Works by Piet Mondrian can be seen:

Adding structure with the use of grids can have several benefits. It makes the eye move in a controlled manner and can draw the viewer to a particular focal point. Grids can be used in many ways as we will see in some of our quilt examples. This is another example of both our composition and our color concepts for this challenge.

Setting your masterpiece in a frame is another way to interpret this challenge. Just as an artist frames their painting, an art quilt can utilize this concept to enhance the design. Framed examples: Look at “Monolith 1” Look at “Anja’s Choice” Look at “Scarab IV” Look at “Gold Leaf”

Examples of subtle framing used as part of the design:

Don’t forget to have fun with this challenge!

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