Thursday, May 07, 2009

Through the Fence

After arriving home late Sunday from a 2 week, 3500 mile car trip and getting done all those things that need attention, I really wanted to do this challenge.  We had a laptop with us--so I knew what the challenge was about.  I even went to the store and bought markers, scissors, and tape.  I played with an idea and was fascinated by it.  

This little piece is 14" square. 

Everything is attached with WonderUnder.  I made the petals for the flower and attached them to the background.  Then I took a rotary cutter and made curvy cuts.  The pieces were then fused to the "fence". 

My colors are yellow, yellow-orange, orange.  The "fence" (grid) is blue-violet.  The quilt is not backed or been to the sewing machine.  I had a good time with this.  Even though I'm late I just couldn't let this pass me by!

Now that I have this "done", I have visited the photo collection and the blog to see what everyone else has done. It has been hard not to look ahead of time!  There is some wonderful work.  This year the challenges based on design and color have been great.



  1. Sally,
    I'm so glad that you participated this time. I can't imagine all those hours in the car, at least you had lots of time to think about what you were going to make. It is Wonderful! I love the color choices and your wonky grid. The background fabric is quite dynamic and very appropriate for this piece, it almost overpowers your lovely flower. What if you trimmed the piece to a 12" square to give more attention to the center? It must have been really hard to bring yourself to cut those first grid lines over such a beautiful flower, but the effect was worth it. Nice work!

  2. Joni--The quilt will be trimmed. All the work on it was done yesterday--except for part of two days finding the fabrics to work together. It almost always takes me that long---it seems I get most of them that work and can't find the last one---so start shuffling again.


  3. Sally,
    Your being fussy with your fabric selection really pays off! It must be nice to have that large a stash! LOL I guess we all have that problem.

  4. I really like your idea, great title. Wiwth some stitching I think the flower might stand out more, but overall it is fabulous!

  5. Hi Sally...good sure to post again when it's done! Have you considered anchoring the flower with a stem or vine or do you like it floating? The background and flower are not greatly different in could consider quilting the flower in very light thread and the background in very dark thread to increase the contrast.
    Good job...glad you made it!

  6. I really like the close cropped version of this. I think the flower gets lost in the large view. Taking what Cynthia said about value, in the cropped version, the black in more visible and the intensity of the blue fencing is more dramatic. I think this is wonderful and your idea can really sing with your finish.

  7. All of the above and I love it! Great job!


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