Monday, May 04, 2009


Here is my effort for this challenge. I have to say that I have a very good excuse for being late - I was attending an art quilt retreat most of last week. My dragon is two shades of yellow ochre with fins of the complement of lavender. The background is also analogous - green and blue. The dragon scales are each cut individually, fused then stitiched with gold thread. I added some sparkle to the fire with Angelina nd holographic thread.


  1. Hi Ann, good to see you were able to do this...forgive me, but I don't recognize the 'grid'... I do like your colors... that Golden Dragon... mean as he can be... sure does stand out against the background!
    I am intrigued with the cutting of his scales individually... Sandy will no doubt comment on this oneGood job Ann.

  2. Hi Ann, very ferocious looking dragon. He looks ready to fight. Your interpretation of a framed composition is right on target. Only you and Cynthia chose that to do framed, and it is very effective too. Your chosen colors make the dragon almost leap off the piece. Nice work!

  3. I chose to use the frame instead of the grid. It seemed to fit my subject a bit better.

  4. The frame certainly works for this piece Ann. I must have missed that bit of information.
    The colors are wonderful, like that hint of mauve and the fire is great!

  5. I have had a busy week, so only just got here to comment. I think the dragon is stunning. The choice of fabric for the body really works very well.

    I like the way the background makes the dragon stand out.

    Has he got a story? I don't know what you intended him to breathe, but to me it looks a bit like he sprays water. So, that starts a story for me. I think he works for the dragon fire brigade. They are particularly kept busy around the school, where the little dragons are learning fire breathing. Something is always catching alight, and not always the intended targets.

    Do you have other dragons you have made/
    Sandy in the UK

  6. Thanks Sandy for your comments. My dragon didn't have a proper story until yours came along and I think it fits! The reason it has sparkling breath is that the dragon was originally part of another challenge where we all drew cards with a single word on them. The quilt had to reflect the word in some way. My word was "sparkling", hence the sparkling flames leaping from the dragon's mouth. I have not made any other dragons and probably won't. You shall remain the Dragon Queen!


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