Saturday, May 02, 2009

Washday Blues

"Washday Blues" is finished. You will note a bit of happiness for this hard working gal in the water bucket. There is lot's of texture in her dress and the cloth she's holding, I had fun with this one!
Continuing with my 'woman' theme, and thinking about my Mom and grandmother and the hard work those pioneer women did, brought this one to life. My grandmother had a scrub board and washing machine like this one.
I've used the analogous hues of red to
yellow orange, and the compliment of blue.
I wove the background fabric, and am quite pleased how it turned out, it is a grid isn't it?
Great challenge Joni


  1. Wow Rhoda!! You have done it yet again.
    I knew you would come through with something... and along the 'women' line and this is fantastic. And in such short order after your amazing and hectic 'week -of-the-challenge'.
    I can't wait to see it finished, please post when it is done, and yes, I would say a grid, at least to me.
    Great job!

  2. Rhoda, you are amazing, getting this wonderful piece to this level of completion. I am really loving your women's series, and this one touched a chord in all of us, thinking about the hard work our parents and grandparent had to do. They didn't complain, but we often do. The fabric selections work so well in this piece, I love the dress fabric, so 40's. You certianly have all the elements of this challenge covered well to. Well done, am looking forward to seeing the finished piece.

  3. Thanks to you both, I started last night and was up at 5 this morning working on it. Our days are so long now.
    I hope to post it with the stitching sometime this week.

  4. Great piece and testimonial to times past. I remember my grandmother washing this way, too and what a chore when she had 11 children to wash for! The grid background and colors just brings out the the hardship of her task.
    What's even more amazing is that this woman looks just like my grandmother as I remember her with her hair pulled back in a bun and wearing a calico house dress.

  5. Hi Rhoda, great addition to your series! I love the vintage feel to this...good choice of prints, a mix of calico print, checks, contemporary print and near solids. The woven background reads like a 9 patch but with more perspective and interest because of the wonky lines, so it looks old-timey and fresh at the same time. Something else I noticed is the use of color for focus, unity and balance: the use of the blue in the background balances the rest of the blue in the piece and and unifies the woman with the background; lighter color at top of background draws the eye up to the woman's face and darker, muted behind the woman so she is "grounded" and we can focus on her more than the background. Really great job!

  6. Rhoda, all of your " working women" series have been wonderful, but this is certainly my favorite. It almost looks like a photograph she is so real looking. Terrific piece!

  7. Rhoda:
    The others have said it all and I concur. I was especially struck by the way the woman seems so connected to the background, yet seems to stand alone with such strength. (Can you tell I am reminded of my grandmother.)
    Great piece!

    Betty Warner

  8. Rhoda, I really like this finished piece. Love all that stitching.. and the 'happiness' in the bucket. A girl needs flowers on a day like that!!
    In my mind, it is very well done!

  9. Hi Rhoda, love this piece and your series. I especially like the grid being uneven and your placement of the figure. Very successful!

  10. Wonderful, Rhoda! The figure is well executed without being at all fussy. As many have said, your fabric choices really compliment the feel of the piece and help re-create the era. The grid part of the challenge was done creatively. I almost get a feeling of the wash hung on the line from the shapes and colors, and the next time I look I see some old fashioned floor tiles. Stellar work.


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