Friday, July 31, 2009

Hi-I'm a new member and I don't know if I'm doing this posting properly. I was Definitely challenged by this first try since I decided to try a lot of techniques I have not used much. The underlying photo is from a nature photography course--messing with the lens with slow setting (it's a flower). Then I printed on cotton and on organza and stamped a gold spiral in between the layers. I think this got lost. I used bobbin work for some of the free motion and also played with my new free motion couching foot. I look forward to any feedback. I'm not crazy about it, but I did learn some things. Thanks for the challenge!
Denny Webster


  1. This is beautiful. I love the organic texture that the photograph and the quilting gives it. You've used lovely soft colors.

    You would have more visual impact if you had more contrast. The quilting and the yarn are very close in value to the background, and difficult to see. The gold spiral is nearly lost, being so close in value.

  2. Denny, I like your piece. It certainly fits the criteria for this challenge.
    What if you would have used some bright reds for stitching?
    The green seems to need a 'lift' in my eye...

  3. Hi Denny,
    What a fun time you had creating this wonderful piece. The colors are so soft and gentle. If you want more impact, you might try accenting the element of the flower with paint or pens to bring forward the color that got blurred by the organza. It is beautiful just as it is, and you really show the radiating concept. Good job!

  4. Hi Denny, welcome to the group! You didn't waste any time jumping in either.I love the colors, textures and design....though I wish like the others that there was more value contrast to make it more dramatic. It's very subtle now, which may be what you were going for. You could keep the subtle coloring and still make it more dramatic by adding some black lines...with pen or thread to outline shape of the flower and the petals. Oh, and it is crying out for some beads! Just a couple's lovely as is!

  5. Denny:
    I echo the comments of the others. I do like this piece and its subtlety. Am happy that you enjoyed doing it. Welcome to this experience.

    Betty Warner

  6. Hi Denny, you jumped right in! I love pinks and greens together and second what everyone else has said... a bit more contrast would bring this to life! You've certainly met the challenge! Stay tuned, more to come!

  7. Great job, Denny! I love it and the radial symmetry you've produced using the yarn and the radiance of the fabric itself. Great job for your first piece.

  8. Great job Denny and welcome to the group. There are some great ideas posted and I think you will come back to this with some or even one of them.
    It is soft and lovely.

  9. Welcome to the group! I like your use of pink and green..a great combo...and I like that you used different widths of threads in your radial. Nice job!


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