Friday, July 31, 2009

Snow in Del Mar

My challenge #35, Snow in Del Mar, is in the yahoo album and on the blog.
I cut the snowflakes out of sheer crystaline, metalic netting, holographic , and sparkle cotton. The small flakes are beaded. The background is a metalic knit.
My colors of nature are deep midnight blue and white.
This was a really fun one...thanks Wendy!
Comments as always are appreciated :-)


  1. Cherie, I am so glad I zoomed in for the close up on this one. Your quilting is wonderful, and your snowflakes really sparkle. It must have taken a lot of patience to cut the snowflakes in such a delicate pattern. Very lovely!

  2. Cherie:

    I echo Joni's comments. The up close look shows such wonderful detail and the quilting is awesome. It is a joyful piece. You can tell that it was fun to do. Did I mention, I love snowflakes.

    Betty Warner

  3. A nice cooling off with this piece Cherie, it is just great. Lot's of radial symmetry. You have a lot of patience cutting out those snowflakes.

  4. Hi Cheri,
    Snowflakes in refreshing! What wonderful detail. Nicely balanced, too, with the placement of the white flakes.

  5. Amen to what they all said! Fabulous detail and snowflakes are the perfect subject! This just sparkles....Cheri, well done!

  6. Hey, hey, hey Snowflake, what delicious cool feeling to this one.
    My comments can only echo those already made.
    Great job!

  7. Love the use of a knit...who would have thought it could be so lovely. Nice work and way more patience than I would have to cut out and stitch this much detail.


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