Thursday, July 02, 2009

Red Beet

The triad I have chosen is red, blue and yellow. My original series hasn't been doing it for me so I switched to a broader topic - "Can I Eat It?" The texture is in the free motion stitching and on the satin-stitched border. The background is a pale yellow while the statin stitching is a combination of two shades of blue and a varigated red.


  1. Hi Ann, I really like the triad you chose with the pale yellow and maroon...very pleasing. Your fabrics have alot of visual texture adding the quilting texture creates a layering effect as well as a lively feel. Great job!

  2. Ann, this is terrific. I think you've achieved a great deal of texture, with the fabric in the beet and the open spaces of the beet. Great thread painting. And like Cynthia I really like your color scheme. Who ever said beet tops have to be green!

    Great job.

  3. I love the broken shapes in your beet. Very cool! The blue on top makes me think of a wild hairdo. Fun, fun, fun.

  4. Fun indeed! Now I will always see blue hair when I look at your beet...LOL Can't wait to see what good thing to eat will be next...

  5. Love the 'style' of this one, and yeah! the blue hair... What fun!
    Good job.

  6. Thanks for all your kind words. If you want to see my original beet, then look at challenge #24. I made that one as an example of things I *don't* like.

  7. Ann, your beet seems to me like an exclamation point. Almost frantic about something. Looks like you had a lot of fun with this one. Lots of texture and a very interesting color choices. I'm enjoying this one.

  8. Ann, this is so playful and fun. Veggies make great subject (I always wanted to do a giant asparagus!).....


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