Thursday, July 02, 2009

"Untitled" by Linda Cline

This began as a succulent quilt which was rejected and tossed aside as a reject a few months ago.

I cut it into rough squares a couple months ago, with the intention of completing the Fast Friday Challenge which was supposed to be based on grids with an accent color. I picked out the fabric for the accent color, but then couldn't satisfy myself with the final arrangement, and it got set aside again.

My rejected project was already the right colors (purple and green with an orange accent), so I got it out again. I sewed the squares together at random, quilted, and then used orange and white paints to bring out the texture and add some dimension. Then I cut it apart again, and inserted orange veins.

This was a fun experiment. The current plan is to cut this into trading card size pieces to trade at a swap planned at the next art quilt meeting. In progress photos can be seen on my blog

Update July 4, 2009:
I've finished my Artist Trading Cards for next weekend. I like these work better as smaller pieces than I did as the one large piece it was a couple of days ago.


  1. Hi Linda, this will make wonderfully unique ATCs with all this texture and dimension and the flashes of vivid orange. Great job. Hope to see those fabulous veins in some future piece, too

  2. Linda, this fits the challenge perfectly. I really like your colors, and the raised veins are great. Lot's of lovely quilting too.

  3. Great texture! What a fun piece!

  4. Wonderful quilting! This should make outstanding trading cards...

  5. This is really interesting, I keep enlarging it to get right up close.
    You are going to make ATC's... please post them after they are completed. I would love to see how they will look. [I am new to ATC's and have only one that I rec'd from Lyric Kinard]

  6. I like the ATC's better than the original piece. Perhaps it's because one sees more of the textured background in the smaller pieces and the veins are a highlight rather than a dominating feature.


  7. Linda, these look great. Thank you so much for doing this and posting them.

  8. Linda,I didn't want you to cut this one up, as I really liked it in it's original form. However, since you did turn them into trading cards I must say that they all look really cool, maybe even better that the "mother" piece. I like the edging you put on each ATC- it frames the pieces very well. It's amazing how each card has good composition on it's own. I wish I could trade with you, they are wonderful.

  9. Linda, I like this one a lot.... and unlike the other folks, I like the mother quilt more! There is something wild and primal about it...


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