Friday, July 31, 2009

Tidepools and Kelp Beds/ and ...........

This is another piece I had started for this challenge. Me and 'radials' don't get along very well, so this is as close as I can get without having to hang on to my chair.
My 'grapes' are ripening quickly in this hot 'sun', and the roses are showing new 'green' growth... the colors of my summer. To me it looks like hummingbird wings, or spinning wine glasses...
Anyway, Wendy, thank you for pushing the envelope with me!

This is a beach scene, lowest tide and a hot summer day....the kind of day when
the atmosphere delineates the earth from the sky.... These are the most incredible days on the ocean's coast , but few and
far between, because... literally, after a day like this the fog starts to roll
I think I went in this direction, thinking more 'summer'... and the 'radial' being the intensely hot burning sun.

Several techniques and media are used here.... I started with a white silk, spray painted, torn into lengths, woven together,then layered with a white scrim,silk throwsters waste, silk tops [cultivated mulberry silk], hand-dyed scrim for the logs ,hand-dyed yarn for the kelp, the sun is angelina fibre, crystal organza islands in the distance and there is a tulle overlay. Hand stitches, machine stitches and quilting add details. Done on batting only then positioned onto a quilt sandwich and stitched down using a blanket stitch all round.

It is probably not quite what Wendy had in mind.. but nonetheless I look forward to your comments.


  1. Looks like our beaches this week. What a great variety of techniques you used! I love it!

  2. Carole, you have really captured the feel of the ocean on a hot steamy day! You can almost smell the salty air and the sea weed. The sun even goes to a shade of pink on such days. Perfect!

  3. Carole..... nope, not quite what I had in mind, but remember, the first rule is to HAVE FUN! You did get in radial symmetry with the sun, and the beach is just about as nature-y as you can get! Glad you played with fun techniques!

  4. Carole:
    This is an interesting piece. I love that you have incorporated so many techniques. Wish that I could see it 'up close and personal'. Well done!

    Betty Warner

  5. Cool sun! I mean, it looks warm compared to the rest of the colors, but it's Cool!

  6. You have certainly achieved lot's of texture in this piece, I rally like all the different stitching. The 'border' fabric reminds me of cat tails, perfect for the beach scene. Great job Carole, very artistic.

  7. Just noticed the second piece, I like it very much! Love the colors, and you achieved the radial symmetry, if I'm understanding the term correctly :)
    Very nice Carole.

  8. Hi Carole, your beach piece has a child like quality that is very fresh and charming and fun. You are so adventurous!

  9. Piece 2: By George, she did it! Vertigo and all! Carole, I love calla lillies..... as if one was looking thru a kaleidoscope! The shading on the flowers is wonderful (ink? paint?) and the dark stitching almsot makes it spin..... who said you can't do radials?

  10. Hi Carole, I love the beach piece and your use of radial symmetry in the sun. I especially like all the texture you added. Nice job!

  11. I love both your pieces but especially the beach one :-)


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