Friday, September 04, 2009

Challenge 36 - Sea of Dreams by Cynthia Ann Morgan

Interesting and challenging challenge...I resisted and fretted, but when I settled down, I enjoyed it very much. I went with a simple design in order to focus on the concepts.
Working with sheers was a new experience...ravely, slippery but what a nice shimmer! I used the horizontal layers concept, also a new experience.
Hand dyed cottons for the background, moon and boats, with hand painted chiffon and organza for the layers and clouds and not too much quilting. Size is 19 x 23"
Lots of fun!
Comments and greetings welcome!


  1. Thanks in advance for your comments!

  2. Just beautiful! I love the shapes you cut for the water and the clouds. Gorgeous!

  3. Such neat quilting. It doesn't look like you had any trouble with fraying! Did you back it with anything before stitching it down (the sheer)? As I mentioned in my post, I ironed on wonder under, but didn't iron it down to the background, have found it too easy to "scorch" the sheer and cause it to bubble or crinkle!
    janice in Houston

  4. Thank you! Yes, I did use misty fuse on the back of the sheers and fused them to the background with a piece of parchment paper between the iron and the quilt top to avoid that nasty scorching problem!

  5. I love the effect you achieved with the sheers to get the fading of the water into the sky and especially the reflection of the moon's light on the clouds. Love it!

  6. What a beautiful, 'dreamy' piece. When I looked at the large photo, I could almost hear those waves gently lapping and feel the boat bobbing. Lovely, and thank you for sharing your process, because my first thought was perhaps reverse applique.
    Unique sail shapes, too.

  7. You have created a great mood. The sheers are beautiful. Adding some shading where one sail overlaps the other might be over the top, but just a thought.

  8. Nice use of sheers! I like the triangle created by the moon and the two boats that provides nice balance. I agree with Della that some shading on the sails might give them more depth.

    I am new to the group and I LOVE doing and getting critiques so I hope you all don't mind my poking around and making comments!!

  9. Cynthia, I love the dream like quality of this piece, the purple sea and the white moon. You have picked up the moon's reflection well upon the water as well as on the clouds. The dreams in your sea, are pleasant dreams (+:

  10. I love the calming atmosphere of this piece - and the subtlety of the colours. I keep coming back to it!

  11. This is very zen.... goes well with your other asian themed pieces. Lovely as usual, Cynthia...

  12. Cynthia, so calming. Another great piece for your series.

  13. Hi Cynthia,
    you did very well with the horizon lines. It IS a challenge isn't it, but one you achieved well.

    I do think your transparent fabrics do give a dreamlike quality to the peace. and I love the illusion of the distant it imagination and will the ships ever reach the far country? (Story time again!)

    I quite like the moon. I wonder what you think about using something like white tulle to create some highlights on the water in a sort of broken reflection. I don't think the water looks calm enough for a moon path reflection, but maybe a bit more highlight? and even if you want to go that far, some darker tulle for shadows on this side of the ships.

    But even without those ideas, it is very good. I particularly like how you developed the clouds to reflect the moon.

    Thanksfor working past your initial fears about the challenge. You have overcome them well!


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