Friday, September 04, 2009

Snow Birds

This is not what I started out to do.
The photo is taken from our garage across the driveway to the house across the street. I only cropped it a little - it already had a high horizon. Printed it onto prepared 8 1/2" x 11" fabric. Then I copied bird photos onto a sheer gray fabric and a sheer woven white fabric. Added them to the empty snow area, quilted a little, outline stitched the pictures, and it's done.
I'm not totally satisfied with the piece itself, but I learned a lot from printing on sheer fabrics. I ironed the fabric to freezer paper, printed the photo, always with a misfeed first, then peeled off the freezer paper and backed the photo with misty fuse, ironed between two teflon sheets. Then fused those bird photos to the big snow/house photo. I'll definitely try this again, maybe with a better composition next time.


  1. Hi Katie, well, well, look at you...this is such a unique piece and quite a departure for you! I love it! I would not change a thing except it's address, which should be Boulder Colorado
    Great job!
    Cynthia in Boulder CO

  2. I think this is great Katie! I really like it. The only suggestion I would make is to print the grouping of birds smaller each time you placed one farther back to show more depth. But it's a great piece!

  3. Katie.. this is so cool... I love those birds!! This is great!!
    It really does look snowy... and ptarmigan feeding time?
    I am really glad you did this and I will look forward to maybe more of these from you...

  4. I find it challenging to successfully meld photos with stitch. You have done a super job.

  5. I love how you used the bird photos on sheers and overlapped them. I also like the color scheme of neutrals. Really gives the effect of a cold snowy day!

  6. It WAS a cold snowy day. And the birds are actually from the back yard, lots and lots of sparrows, eating from a clay saucer of seeds. Thanks for all the nice comments!

  7. Katie...WOW...I hate snow but art featuring it is always a winner in my book. Absolutely love how you did this. Great job!

  8. Hi Katie,
    you have really found just the right technique to work with photos. Somehow photos can be far too flat, but you have made it come alive. I think one reason that works so well is because you didn't use the same kind of transparent fabrics when you printed the birds. But it wouldn't have been the same either if printed on opaque fabric.

    I think the closer 2 sets of birds are just right for size, but as someone said, perhaps another time you could resize them slightly smaller. for instance, something between the first ones and the size of the cars in the back. I do like the way they go right back to the horizon line though. It really leads your eye through the work.

    This is such a good idea. I have learned something I will have to consider again!

  9. This piece is very interesting. I don't think I can add to what has already been said. I can see this done again as a larger piece. The use of different sheer fabrics adds so much interest and the stitching is great. As a New Englander, I can tell you that this could easily be a scene that we see here.

  10. i enjoy digital printing on fabric as well. This piece is very successful. The over lapping of the image of birds give movement and action to a calm scene- creating a lively nicely composed piece.

  11. Hi, Katie,
    I love your piece. You inspire me to try the printing on sheer fabric. Sorry I am late with this. Didn't have my "ducks in a row" so I could make comments.
    Elaine Koenig


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