Friday, September 25, 2009

Challenge 37: Somewhere out There

This quilt is about 28 by 30 inches. All the background fabrics were painted or dyed on white fabric by me.
I "globbed" on different colors, sprayed a little water, then shaped the fabric into a ball and let it dry outside. I used three different pieces of fabric prepared in this way. After they were ironed, washed, and ironed again, I cut them into four inch squares. The white irregular area was partially in the fabric, but I extended it with white fabric paints. The circles I had painted on initially using a lid dipped into white paint to create open circles. Then I filled the circles in with metallic paints, hoping I created dimension in the circles as moving heavenly bodies of some sort. I quilted over the surface in lined star shapes using different variegated and metallic threads. I had no idea how this would end up when I started, but this is my preferred method of working. Just begin with some fabric and see where it takes you.


  1. Did you do this today? I am confused. As a new member, I thought the challenge was to make something in a week to jump start our creativity.

    I like this very much!

  2. I posted a comment to the group site that I had just finished this piece a few weeks ago and since it fit the theme, I decided post it. If I am out of line, I apologize, as I too am a new member. I am moving this week and know I would be unable to deal with this challenge in the immediate future.

  3. I love the movement in this piece. I can feel the whirling of foreign bodies. Your quilting is perfect for space bodies. I have no constructive criticism for you as I only found positives!

  4. Definitely outer space! Beautiful colors with what appears to be the Milky Way going through it all. Your quilting just adds to the space theme. Love it!

  5. Gerrie & Chris....sometimes a little fudge is okay..we all like to play but don't always have the time so if you have something that fits the theme and would like to have it critiqued it's can also post if it isn't complete yet. It's nice to go back and post the completed piece if you do that.

  6. Chris, this is really nice. When I looked at the close up [right click to open in a new window] I can really see the roundness of the spheres/planets. Nice choice of quilting and I like the pieced background in those great colors.

  7. Thanks, Janice. I really intend to make new pieces for the challenges, and I'll do so in the future. Thanks for all the comments posted.

  8. This is great, Chris, especially in the full-size view. You can really see the planets and get a sense of depth--things you don't see in the small picture. And I had assumed this was a whole-cloth piece until I saw it up close. VERY nice background! What did you do for the edge? It looks like you couched yarn around it? Cool! My only suggestion is based on the small photo. I love the sense of movement and the fact that you see the galaxy's whirl, but somehow the piece as a whole is a little flat until you get up close to it. I think you need something to draw your viewers in from across the room. I wonder if some beads or tiny crystals would give it some sparkle and bring it to life. NOT all over the whole piece--just a sprinkling confined to maybe a loose diagonal or maybe even just inside your focal point area.

  9. Wow Chris... if this is where your fabric 'takes' you, I'd love to hitch hike on your journey...
    This is truly beautiful. The interplay between the square piecing and the diagonal 'star' stitching makes it appear to be faceted. I love the round shapes spilling into the borders. Lovely work/!
    Were any of these techniques/materials new to you for this piece?

  10. Suzanne, I see what you mean about more punch to draw the viewer in to the piece when viewed from a distance. I have never been a fan of beading on my work, but maybe it's time! thanks for the input. by the way, the binding is just black on black striped fabric narrow binding.
    Cherie, new techniques to me in this piece are the use of metallic paints to create the spheres......if I had thought about it in advance, I think it would have been more interesting to have different sized spheres to give a sense of depth to the piece. I had tried the painting technique for the background fabric once before, and will do it again. It's a great way to use up small amounts of paints or dyes and get some interesting fabric. thanks for commenting.

  11. Once again, Chris, a wonderful piece. I'm always in awe of how you just take a piece of fabric and come up with these designs.

  12. Chris, I'm so glad you posted this piece. It is O.K. to use something you have already made if it fits the challenge, and this one really does. I love the range of colors in this piece. The quilting adds motion and interest too. I agree that different sized spheres would make this terrific piece even better.

  13. Hi Chris - I love your background fabric. It is so intense and right for the outer space look. Your quilting keeps the eye moving and truly enhances the movement of the planets. All I can say is bravo!
    Pat Havey

  14. I love this piece. I like that it is pieced. The use of different threads lends a lot of interest to it. I have no thoughts about improvements. It is strong as it is.

  15. thanks to all of you for your generous's enough to keep a gal going!

  16. Excellent composition, I would have said get rid of the border but extending the lines into it really made it work. The color variegation of the general background is excellent and gives the piece life. The repeated circles are wonderful, I wonder if changing the size of some ever so slightly could have worked, or maybe that would be too disruptive. anyway great work

  17. Hi Chris - I love your approach - just start and see where the fabric takes you. I thought it was one piece of fabric until I looked at the close-up shot. Your method of cutting up and mixing some of the squares made for a much more interesting work. I think you mailed this challenge.

  18. Er, that would be "nailed" this challenge. Sorry!


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