Sunday, September 27, 2009


This is my first post ever....! Joining Fast Friday has given me the creative freedom to challenge myself.

I used wool roving, painted tyvek, beads, and lots of free-motion, also my first ever!!!!

I need lots of help and practice, but for a first attempt I am thrilled!

Hope I did this posting correctly. Thank you for allowing me to participate. Jane Stricker


  1. Hi Jane...
    What a lovely nebula! I love the use of both machine and hand stitching, it adds so much texture. The colors are stunning!
    So glad to have you 'aboard'.
    Are all these techniques new to you, or only the fm quilting? Good job

  2. Jane, I especially like the striped fabric which give your piece a sense of swirling. It is very interesting to look at and see all the details.

  3. Hi Jane, nice job! I'm drawn to the variety of unusual shapes and textures. The hexagon fabric in the background is a wonderful contrast in shape for the other more organic shapes. Lots of medium values...I'd love to see a few more punches of very light and very dark in a few places.
    I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  4. I like your use of embellishments on this piece. Like Cynthia, I would like to see more punches of different values. What would happen if you broke up the top area more with some of those values? Nice job!

  5. Hi Jane, What a great way to start your FFFC experience! Nebulae are really fun. I think your background fabric works really well at adding depth to your piece, and you have achieved a lot of interest and movement. Nice job!

  6. Jane,
    It certainly looks like you had a great time creating this piece. I especially like the painted Tyvek as it gives your quilt some additional sparkle and interesting texture. Nice job on your free motion quilting.

    Welcome to the group.


  7. Welcome to your first ever. You did a great job and have created a most interestiing Nebula.
    Pat Havey

  8. Welcome to the group. This is a very interesting piece. I would echo the comments of others. Love the use of the tyvek for sparkle. Love the combination of machine and hand stitching. Love the spontaneity and freedom it exudes. Love your use of striped and hexagon fabrics. What if you lightened a couple of areas in the upper hexagon region with some paint or overlayed a small area with a lighter fabric or heavily stitched a small area with a light thread?

    Good job!

  9. Hi Jane - You are certainly off to a good start! I am amazed that this your first attempt at free motion quilting - it took me about a year and a lot of broken needles to get as consistent as you are already.

    It is apparent that you are going to be ready and willing to try anything new. So go forth and enjoy yourself!

    Glad you're here.


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