Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Challenge #37

Here's the Two Moon Junction piece I did for Challenge #37- Outer Spaces. Its also my first entry into this group. The piece is only 8 1/2 by 11 inches. It was fast if nothing else.


  1. Welcome to the group :-)
    I love your use of color. The graceful joining of the two halves is lovely. Did you try any new stuff with this piece?
    We love to hear what materials / techniques you have used.

  2. Hi, I love the colors you chose for your piece. I also like that you engaged the edges of the quilt rather than making the full circles fit within the borders.

  3. Hi, welcome to FFFC! It looks like you had fun with this piece, it has a lively feel, nice balance in both the colors and the shapes. Nice Job!

  4. Hi and welcome - I hve to agree with the others . The colors are wonderful and great balance. I love it!
    Pat Havey

  5. Hi Cathy, Good color scheme and nice movement with the big curve. Almost like mirror image, but more interesting and that orange background fabric is perfect for deep space. Good job and we look forward to seeing lots more of your work!

  6. Hi Cathy - I love the curves and colors you have used. Are those green lines sequins that you have sewn down one by one? What a lot of work - but it was worth it. Great job.

  7. Cathy, Pleasing shapes and colors. Nice balance. Welcome to the group.
    P.S. Those are my colors.


  8. Great shapes and colors. Love the S curve through the center. Your use of the sequins adds a lot of interest. Good job!


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