Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ganymede Trumps Jupiter

This is my first group challenge, and it was a blast! The piece is 18x20" (I can never remember--do you list height or width first?) and I think I'm going to call it "Ganymede Trumps Jupiter."

I ran across a NASA (copyright-free) photo of Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter, and was fascinated by its textures and colors (I'm sure it was color-enhanced), so I decided to replicate it by stitching painted Tyvek to fabric and shrink-melting it. It looked a little lonely on its own, so I found a picture of Jupiter and used hand-dyed fabric and acrylic paint to recreate it. I took some artistic license with this piece; Ganymede is MUCH larger, proportional to Jupiter, than it should be, but I like it that way. The photos are a little misleading; they show a sparkly (star-filled?) background because I used clear invisible thread for the quilting, but it's not nearly so obvious in the real piece.

This is the first art quilt I've created in a VERY long time, and I'm thrilled that the challenge pushed me toward creativity. This was exactly what I was looking for when I joined the group! Please feel free to offer critiques.



  1. Absolutely stunning Michele! Ganymede is so wonderfully textured and colorful, and Jupiter is spot-on.
    Did you try any new (to you) techniques or materials?
    Terrific job...

  2. This is fabulous, Michele. Your choice of fabric for Jupiter is spectacular. Did you discharge it or did it come that way? Love the tyvek, too. Great job!

  3. Thank you both!

    Cherie, I didn't really try anything new, except actually painting on the quilt after everything else was done. I usually paint the fabric before I use it, but it was really fun to add the accents AFTER the piece was made! Plus, I've only used Tyvek once before to make ATCs, so it was interesting to try to stitch & manipulate it this time in particular ways.

    Suzanne, I started with a piece of gray hand-dye for Jupiter, then added color (including the white) with acrylics (and the variegated thread stitching).

  4. Hi Michele, what a cool piece! I love the contrasts of the highly colored textured planet and the grayed smoother planet against the pitch black background. Very dramatic. And the up close perspective adds to the drama, too. Great job

  5. Michele,
    Wonderful quilt. I don't think you need any "sparkles" in the background as I think they would detract from the contrast you have between the smooth paint/stitching on Jupiter and Ganymede's textured Tyvek. Very nice painting and stitching. You have given me inspiration to experiment with Tyvek. Thanks for sharing.


  6. Very nice work! I love the simplicity to it and all the texture you created.

  7. Michele,
    This is a lovely piece, I especially like your quilting to add texture and detail, subtle but effective. Looks like the tyvek was fun to use, you certainly generated texture and the contrast you were wanting to show. Look forward to seeing more of your work.

  8. Michele,
    I feel this piece creates excitement and peace at the same time if that is possible. Everything is so in order feeling. Your use of tyvek makes me want to go right out an try it. Bravo!
    Pat Havey

  9. I love the tyvek piece. It is very effective and painting after the quilt is done is a neat idea. Very well done.
    Elaine Koenig

  10. Hi Michele - I think this is outstanding. Your use of tyvek to create the planet worked so well but my attention is on Ganymede! The quilting and the painting make it seem so very real. The cropping and the overlap add a feeling of depth. Super!

  11. Good work! I especially noticed your quilting in circles around the Tyvek. The repetition of the shape is pleasing to me as is the simplicity. Glad you had fun.


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